Graveyard farmers

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Posts: 19

Re: Graveyard farmers

Post by Beherit »

I have a feeling that xilef0wnz not only does not read his own words, but writes them down by simply bashing his head on the keyboard.
if i get farmed.. i w8 till the bg is over and que again...
What if the same scenario happens for an hour straight?
What if I don't spend all day playing, but let's say 40 minutes every day and I don't have time or patience to wait out the GY farming?
and w8 till my mates are better or the enemys stop doing that..
Let's assume people will wait for other faction members to get better... who will be playing then? And yeah, I'm trying to put an end to such shitty gameplay experiences.
youre bg team was also kinda skilled os/passion members.. so too get farmed is obviously your fault..
-->It's my fault I was robbed yesterday, because I wasn't carrying a machine gun like the robber did.
Posts: 266

Re: Graveyard farmers

Post by xilef0wnz »

Beherit wrote:I have a feeling that xilef0wnz not only does not read his own words, but writes them down by simply bashing his head on the keyboard.
if i get farmed.. i w8 till the bg is over and que again...
What if the same scenario happens for an hour straight?
What if I don't spend all day playing, but let's say 40 minutes every day and I don't have time or patience to wait out the GY farming?
and w8 till my mates are better or the enemys stop doing that..
Let's assume people will wait for other faction members to get better... who will be playing then? And yeah, I'm trying to put an end to such shitty gameplay experiences.
youre bg team was also kinda skilled os/passion members.. so too get farmed is obviously your fault..
-->It's my fault I was robbed yesterday, because I wasn't carrying a machine gun like the robber did.
well... then tell me a way to deal with gy farmers ?? bann them..?? ok half server down..
other ideas ?
20:28:17 <70:Kimilar>: Now you will experience the full power of the dark side!... Herod! Slay them!
20:33:10 <70:Rakh>: Awoth used dirty tricks, i cant slay him !
20:33:22 <70:Kimilar>: I will kill him then!
20:33:50 Awoth died.
Posts: 19

Re: Graveyard farmers

Post by Beherit »

xilef0wnz wrote:well... then tell me a way to deal with gy farmers ?? bann them..?? ok half server down..
other ideas ?
Have you already counted the GY farmers to claim they're half of the server population?
Just because you can't design any more ideas doesn't mean there aren't any more solutions.
How about some of these?
Temporary ban
Permanent ban
Being forced to use S1 ONLY for a duration of 18 gameplay hours? (by somehow modyfing the player's character so it can't wear anything more than that OR modyfing the gear, I meant the hours you actually spend in the game playing, type /played)
Being forced to run around in a pink shirt only?
Resetting their reputation status
Deleting their professions
Posts: 2015

Re: Graveyard farmers

Post by Firstaidkit »

I see that the HK cap is such a good solution, really fixed the graveyard camp issue. Thumbs up!

Actually what is so gamebreaking about it? Yes, it isn't fair but on retail this problem also still exists (the last time I played retail was in the MoP Beta). I was still able to graveyard farm so it isn't that gamebreaking to be honest since if it was. Blizzard should have fixed it by now after releasing so many expansion and patches but since they didn't I say: deal with it. I see this problem on a lot of servers so wtf is the problem actually? Maybe it's not fun for the guy getting corpsecamped but it's not like Blizzard nor Henhouse cares else they would have fixed it by now.

Edit: I compare this with retail because it's forbidden to name any other private server here but it happens on other private servers as well. I'm pretty sure of that since I have seen it before. Maybe more or less but it happens.
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Posts: 2551

Re: Graveyard farmers

Post by Cube »

Firstaidkit wrote:I see that the HK cap is such a good solution, really fixed the graveyard camp issue. Thumbs up!

Actually what is so gamebreaking about it? Yes, it isn't fair but on retail this problem also still exists (the last time I played retail was in the MoP Beta). I was still able to graveyard farm so it isn't that gamebreaking to be honest since if it was. Blizzard should have fixed it by now after releasing so many expansion and patches but since they didn't I say: deal with it. I see this problem on a lot of servers so wtf is the problem actually? Maybe it's not fun for the guy getting corpsecamped but it's not like Blizzard nor Henhouse cares else they would have fixed it by now.

Edit: I compare this with retail because it's forbidden to name any other private server here but it happens on other private servers as well. I'm pretty sure of that since I have seen it before. Maybe more or less but it happens.
They just implemented timers in wsg to take care of that. But I guess that has nothing to do with gy camping cunts. Not at all.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 263

Re: Graveyard farmers

Post by Blue »

To be honest with you, this is the only server i have been on that has so many people crying about graveyard farming.
Is it unfair? yes
Is it annoying? yes

Hate to break it to you but thats the way life works... unfair as fuck... so id say, stop crying and just live with it... or if it annoys you so much... try stepping outside and playing some sports, go to the gym, read a book, visit a museum.
If the game annoys you so much that you are going to cry to people on the Internet that don't really give a crap about your problem... the questions is it actually worth playing a game that annoys you? if not... i heard books help you relax and learn something.

just saying
Posts: 2551

Re: Graveyard farmers

Post by Cube »

Blue wrote:Hate to break it to you but thats the way life works... unfair as fuck... so id say, stop crying and just live with it... or if it annoys you so much... try stepping outside and playing some sports, go to the gym, read a book, visit a museum.
It's not gy farming per se, it's the form and extent of gy farming around here. As fak said, gy farming isn't unique to sf in any way, all servers/retail has it. In wrath it's not that big of a problem, since there's a timer in wsg, and eots' and ab's victory points were also reduced from 2000 to 1600. Since the pve stacking/viability is higher here than I've ever seen in wow, and people basically one shot players while gy farming them, it doesn't really help. Another thing that's unique to sf is that people deliberately cap fewer bases in eots/ab just to be able to farm more hk's.

Personally I don't really have any problems dodging the farm in a bg, but that doesn't mean that the bg is all that fun.

Since hk's is a very big deal for people around here, gy farming can get rather silly. During the time I've played wow, I've heard about the very few people stacking hk's. This is from a guy who played vanilla, and competed in the rank wars. That's how rare it is. So there's actually more incentive to hk farm/gy camp around here then there is anywhere else. Now, since survivability (as in damage mitigation) is utter shit in tbc, and we have the awesome concept of cloth/haste stacking elementals and boomkins around here, (which are unique to sf afaik) since the gear is basically given away for free for anyone who can use paypal, plus all other pve stacked players, ressing in the middle of these guys can get rather frustrating, since it's not all that rare. And when you finally get out of one of these bg's, chances of going up against the same bs is higher then there is anywhere else, since our playerbase isn't all that big. It's better than it's been, but the situation still isn't that good.

As you all know, I'm one of the people who's against the hk system around here, but I did lock down gy's in retail. In tbc/wrath, when our guild (who was arena focused, so it didn't really happen that often), got a few alts up (5+), we usually ran premades to get the honor these guys needed for the off-part pvp gear. Difference was that we went for fast victories. We locked the gy down in wsg, but we also won in 3-5 min. Same thing went for ab/eots. Cap all bases, run the flag, camp the spawn. In vanilla there was also an incentive to win the bg's, because of how the rank system worked. On top of that, the premade guilds usually wanted to go up against eachother, since running against pugs weren't all that fun.

Now, banning/punishing gy farmers is rather hard. Gy farming can be used as a tactic to win a bg (but we all know that that's not really what happens around here most of the time). There are other solutions for this though.

- Implement a timer in wsg, with notifications in the chat. 20m is enough for a team to win.

- Reduce victory points needed for a win in ab/eots to 1500-1600.

- If possible, introduce a system that rewards the old rank titles from bg wins. This would obviously reset the titles, which wouldn't be all that bad for the server. It would probably make the guild wars more interesting, and when a premade faces a pug, they would most likely not gy farm them, and instead go for a quick, clean win. Make the titles much harder to obtain, so you'd have to really work for r14, and increase it's rarity.

- Another solution would be to just disable and remove hk's. Personally, I don't think this is a good solution. And it would piss people the fuck off.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 68

Re: Graveyard farmers

Post by Pendulumm »

Beherit wrote:Here they are, a brave team consist of 5 elemental shaman haste stackers and 3 boomkins bla-bla-bla
Lol, there wasn't premade on that bg, i will never make premade with those retarded shamans. I really don't understand ppl, who post such reports. Every day both alliance and horde farm opposite gy, it's just a matter of pve-casters number in raid. Btw thats the reason i spec balance for a while - on some bgs its impossible to do something if u are not caster with stacked haste. Actually what did u expected us to do, when ur raid couldnt do anything to our pve-cleavers raid?
Posts: 40

Re: Graveyard farmers

Post by Jiffy »

Pendulumm wrote:Lol, there wasn't premade on that bg, i will never make premade with those retarded shamans.
True, there wasn't a premade. And turtles/crabs ain't retarded only me. And i'm the other shaman, truly retarded.
Posts: 266

Re: Graveyard farmers

Post by xilef0wnz »

true story:
Cube wrote:
Blue wrote:Hate to break it to you but thats the way life works... unfair as fuck... so id say, stop crying and just live with it... or if it annoys you so much... try stepping outside and playing some sports, go to the gym, read a book, visit a museum.
It's not gy farming per se, it's the form and extent of gy farming around here. As fak said, gy farming isn't unique to sf in any way, all servers/retail has it. In wrath it's not that big of a problem, since there's a timer in wsg, and eots' and ab's victory points were also reduced from 2000 to 1600. Since the pve stacking/viability is higher here than I've ever seen in wow, and people basically one shot players while gy farming them, it doesn't really help. Another thing that's unique to sf is that people deliberately cap fewer bases in eots/ab just to be able to farm more hk's.

Personally I don't really have any problems dodging the farm in a bg, but that doesn't mean that the bg is all that fun.

Since hk's is a very big deal for people around here, gy farming can get rather silly. During the time I've played wow, I've heard about the very few people stacking hk's. This is from a guy who played vanilla, and competed in the rank wars. That's how rare it is. So there's actually more incentive to hk farm/gy camp around here then there is anywhere else. Now, since survivability (as in damage mitigation) is utter shit in tbc, and we have the awesome concept of cloth/haste stacking elementals and boomkins around here, (which are unique to sf afaik) since the gear is basically given away for free for anyone who can use paypal, plus all other pve stacked players, ressing in the middle of these guys can get rather frustrating, since it's not all that rare. And when you finally get out of one of these bg's, chances of going up against the same bs is higher then there is anywhere else, since our playerbase isn't all that big. It's better than it's been, but the situation still isn't that good.

As you all know, I'm one of the people who's against the hk system around here, but I did lock down gy's in retail. In tbc/wrath, when our guild (who was arena focused, so it didn't really happen that often), got a few alts up (5+), we usually ran premades to get the honor these guys needed for the off-part pvp gear. Difference was that we went for fast victories. We locked the gy down in wsg, but we also won in 3-5 min. Same thing went for ab/eots. Cap all bases, run the flag, camp the spawn. In vanilla there was also an incentive to win the bg's, because of how the rank system worked. On top of that, the premade guilds usually wanted to go up against eachother, since running against pugs weren't all that fun.

Now, banning/punishing gy farmers is rather hard. Gy farming can be used as a tactic to win a bg (but we all know that that's not really what happens around here most of the time). There are other solutions for this though.

- Implement a timer in wsg, with notifications in the chat. 20m is enough for a team to win.

- Reduce victory points needed for a win in ab/eots to 1500-1600.

- If possible, introduce a system that rewards the old rank titles from bg wins. This would obviously reset the titles, which wouldn't be all that bad for the server. It would probably make the guild wars more interesting, and when a premade faces a pug, they would most likely not gy farm them, and instead go for a quick, clean win. Make the titles much harder to obtain, so you'd have to really work for r14, and increase it's rarity.

- Another solution would be to just disable and remove hk's. Personally, I don't think this is a good solution. And it would piss people the fuck off.
20:28:17 <70:Kimilar>: Now you will experience the full power of the dark side!... Herod! Slay them!
20:33:10 <70:Rakh>: Awoth used dirty tricks, i cant slay him !
20:33:22 <70:Kimilar>: I will kill him then!
20:33:50 Awoth died.
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