Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

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Poll: Should multiboxing be banned?

Yes, ban it completely.
No, do not ban it.
Total votes: 153

Posts: 971

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Solectra wrote:
n a BG actually screws that team more than the opposing one.
JK, carry flag with 5x druids spamming HoTs.
Except you can't group queue... So that five boxer might lose part of his 'crew' upon arrival, if we're talking WSG.

AB, Take other bases the boxer isn't located at.
Eye, See above.
AV, Horde loses anyway...

The only place where Boxers really shine is Hyjal and WSG imo, but Henhouse might have unintentionally screwed them over with the no grp queue on WSG.
Posts: 54

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Kaloyo »

Ban for: Multiboxing in any kind of pvp environment.. EG: world pvp, bgs, etc.

Don't ban for: PVE
thug lyfe respect lyfe
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Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Scoop »

multiboxing is technically a "cheat" on a private server imo.
What I have been reading in these posts people have been saying let them PvE but not PvP.
Well I have played WoW since 2004, and let me explain a lil somethin. :)
People use PvE items, such as trinkets in PvP. Why should 1 guy get the advantage over some1 else when he himself got the trinket by using 10 characters all on different accounts opposed to someone who has to actually fight with 9 OTHER people and actually go against them in a ROLL or loot council which some guilds use.

In PvP standards, they can just win-trade which is already bannable.

Also, to my knowledge and I am not sure of this, BUT I am going to say this anyway. I am pretty sure the multiboxer needs a lot of accounts, and these accounts take up data/space on the server. This could potentially cause lag which we would all hate. It just causes frustration.

So all in all, I think it should be banned, and besides if you don't multibox then why vote for it? >.>

Thanks for reading all I know it was lengthy but just a few opinions and arguments on my view.

~Proud Member, Scoop
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Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Asdfg »

Zapcraclepop wrote:They're amazingly easy to avoid though. It's like getting chased by a fat chick... And about as obvious. If you cannot avoid that, then I don't know what to tell you.

You're probably one of those people who try to solo a 5-boxxer, which to your surprise gets you turned into pudding, concluding in you getting very very angry after repeating the same act over and over again. Don't worry, a lot of people here share in that hiccup in judgement and critical thinking ability. Hence why we're arguing over this to begin with. Fact is, having a 5 boxer in a BG actually screws that team more than the opposing one.
Yes this is exactly the problem. What people somehow cant get through their head is that they are playing 1v5. Is it going to go any better if you try to fight against five different people all running around on top of each other?

In a bg or arena there is a limit to how many people there is, it's not like you're playing against five people instead of one, the five boxer is taking the place of four other people. There is no advantage to having a 5 boxer. The only time people think 5 boxers are op is when people are running around like idiots refusing to cooperate and coordinate. 5 boxing simply displays the importance of working together, such as having to kill or defend a flag carrier.

There is no way 1 person is going to be able to interrupt, cc, dispell, dps, and heal, on five different characters at the same time as well as 5 people. Five separate people running around together are going to do much better if they are half way competent.
Solectra wrote: JK, carry flag with 5x druids spamming HoTs.
Ok, and how exactly is one person playing 5 resto druids any better than five separate people playing 5 resto druids? or better yet five separate people playing different healers, such as a such a priest or paladin for defensive dispells, fort, kings , or freedom? a shaman for grounding, tremor, and bloodlust.
Posts: 172
Location: USA

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Scoop »

You can have all the druids cast hots on the main FC, so you have like 5 Lifeblooms/rejuvs/regrowths.. ect..
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[12:56:20 PM] XE: Who da hell are you
[12:56:27 PM] XE: ah ur pizza guy
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Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Amgseret »

Oh shit, this is still going on ?
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
Posts: 19

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Vareul »

Multiboxing is a problem to those who dont like it, cause of what it can do for you, and isnt a problem to those who like it because of what it can do for you. Your own opinions, while valuable, shouldnt be considered a be all end all here. If people want to multibox, i personally think that the GMs should decide on the consequences for it per basis. You dont want things to happen if its not "your way," in this case. I honestly dont mind multiboxers, as i know the advantages and disadvantages of the practice.

Lets face it, many of us just dont have the computing power for a full 10 man raid. The ones that do could just find a server that allows it. trust me, this is the only server ive been on, that has given a crap about multiboxing. In many cases, it is allowed in PVP as long as it doesnt make it IMPOSSIBLE for the other team to win. Competition is the bread and butter of PVP, whether it be vs 15 people, or 1 person using 15 accounts. Just take what you can get guys. If you work together, all those hots on the main FC will run out, and those druids/CC/DPS'ers, will be left in a group, as the multiboxer wont make their FC go out of range, unless you leave them a wide open path.

Plain and simple, multiboxing in PVP is trouble for baddies when they play against someone practiced in multiboxing to complete objectives. If you really get GY camped by even 2 of that multiboxers toons, it becomes 9 VS 8, or 14 v 13, etc. You may be getting camped, but its taking 2 of their toons to keep the one you down. You get honor for any kills you are within a radius of, which is usually in excess of 100 yards. While thats paltry compared to the full honor from getting in the mix of things, you still get the honor for winning, and all you have to do is press the "release spirit" button.
Posts: 30

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Fleepz »

I would say it like this:

There are only a small amount of people who know/are or have been multiboxers which means just a small amount of people will support it.

However there's a big amount of players that have no idea about it and because when multiboxing would be banned they have 1 danger less to be afraid off. Some of these people even whispered me to ask me how to multibox so that they can do it too which just proves this. (This doesn't apply for everyone of course)

If multiboxers will be allowed people have to use brain to kill them.

You don't run in versus 5players alone in a normal BG either? So why do you do it against a multiboxer he's basicly also 5 players and you should treat him like that. Stack a group and he will die. Else you can avoid him.

However i also understand that the amount of multiboxers is getting more and more.

In my opinion multiboxing should be allowed WHEN you donated with all the multiboxing chars.
Because this wil reduce the amount of multiboxers and they also support the server this way.

Just my 2 cents.
Posts: 1567

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Amgseret »

But the only thing that is more fagish than 5 multiboxer shamans are 5 donor multiboxer shamans :/
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
Posts: 971

Re: Public Decision: BAN on multiboxing

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Amgseret wrote:But the only thing that is more fagish than 5 multiboxer shamans are 5 donor multiboxer shamans :/
However, since people here can't donate for $5, you can forget people spending $25. I think that's actually a legit argument. But too many freaking idiots still don't realize how easy it is to avoid them. That's the hilarious part.

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