Zapcraclepop wrote:They're amazingly easy to avoid though. It's like getting chased by a fat chick... And about as obvious. If you cannot avoid that, then I don't know what to tell you.
You're probably one of those people who try to solo a 5-boxxer, which to your surprise gets you turned into pudding, concluding in you getting very very angry after repeating the same act over and over again. Don't worry, a lot of people here share in that hiccup in judgement and critical thinking ability. Hence why we're arguing over this to begin with. Fact is, having a 5 boxer in a BG actually screws that team more than the opposing one.
Yes this is exactly the problem. What people somehow cant get through their head is that they are playing 1v5. Is it going to go any better if you try to fight against five different people all running around on top of each other?
In a bg or arena there is a limit to how many people there is, it's not like you're playing against five people instead of one, the five boxer is taking the place of four other people. There is no advantage to having a 5 boxer. The only time people think 5 boxers are op is when people are running around like idiots refusing to cooperate and coordinate. 5 boxing simply displays the importance of working together, such as having to kill or defend a flag carrier.
There is no way 1 person is going to be able to interrupt, cc, dispell, dps, and heal, on five different characters at the same time as well as 5 people. Five separate people running around together are going to do much better if they are half way competent.
Solectra wrote:
JK, carry flag with 5x druids spamming HoTs.
Ok, and how exactly is one person playing 5 resto druids any better than five separate people playing 5 resto druids? or better yet five separate people playing different healers, such as a such a priest or paladin for defensive dispells, fort, kings , or freedom? a shaman for grounding, tremor, and bloodlust.