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I am currently collecting all Class bugs, and because of that i'm going to setup topics that will hold bugs specific for a class.
In this topic you can post Paladin bugs, i will test them and approve or dissaprove them.
If approved they will come in the list below.
Also, the list of bugs will get a status of, Being fixed or Not yet fixed.
NOTE: Report bugs with the same template as you would report them when creating a new topic!
Tree Catagory
Blessed Life : Fixed
Blessing of Sanctuary : Being worked on
Spiritual attunement : Fixed
Thanks to everyone who reports a bug.
Last edited by Darkgroom on 30 Aug 2011, 00:23, edited 4 times in total.
Blessing of Sanctuary (Prot. Talent) scales with 34% spell damage, but it just should retaliate with the fixed value (46 with Rank 5, id 27168).
It's mentioned in Unit.cpp aswell, but there must be something else which screws things up, as some items benefit from that issue aswell (with the same odd 34% coefficient, yes 34, not 43 =p).
Precision and Unyielding Faith works, but you won't see any change in your character screen when filling in these talents as they are handled server side, for the other spells its probably a Modifier bug, will look into that and maybe write some kind of custom system to handle our own Modifiers
Seal of Vengeance also doesn't do the correct dmg 370 dmg at 5 stacks with 1250 spell dmg Seal of Rightiousness also doesn't do correct dmg 257 with 1250 spell dmg and a 1.6 speed mace.
some proof of a totally undergeared pala compared to me and xaru on retail
hitting for 370 SoR with a 1.6 speed mace and probably almost half of our spell dmg
Please fix this, this makes paladin tanking almost impossible and shockadins lose 1 of the main dmg sources...
Blessing of Sanctuary (Prot. Talent) scales with 34% spell damage, but it just should retaliate with the fixed value (46 with Rank 5, id 27168).
It's mentioned in Unit.cpp aswell, but there must be something else which screws things up, as some items benefit from that issue aswell (with the same odd 34% coefficient, yes 34, not 43 =p).
You must really hate prot paladins. ._.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Prot ftw, but I report any bug I come across. Paladins are one of the few classes I play.
But see it positive, if that's fixed, items probably won't scale aswell.
SoV works as intended btw. with 1250 spell damage it should tick for ~73 damage/app. -> 363 damage (17% scaling over the whole duration -> 3.4% per tick)
Same with SoR, it scales with ~9% spell damage modified with the weapon's attacks speed (11% with 2h)
((1250*0.09)+38)*1.6 -> 241 (*1.15) -> 277
edit: Small mistake here, the 38 damage get adjusted to the weapon speed already, so it's a little bit less damage.
Also about the video, he's in S2+ gear, so it's about 1k spell damage. He's using a PvE sword, and those had 1.8 aspeed. Those 370 Hits were on a Warrior (with judged Crusader), he definitely was in Bers Stance (*1.1), and don't forget Crusader+Sanctity Aura (*1.1, *1.06).