ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

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ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

Post by Henhouse »


Excalibur, a fellow TBC server with a community more than a decade old, recently closed its doors. We were sad to hear of a server similar to us coming to the hard decision to retire such an aged and dedicated community. Recently, we were contacted by some of its community members informing us of an ability for characters to be exported from their server with the hope to find a new home to migrate to.

We're happy to announce that plans to offer a character import service for characters from Excalibur are underway. In the coming (few) weeks we hope to have a tool available that will allow level 70 characters from Excalibur to be imported to Smolderforge!

However, there are a few restrictions we will place on imports. These are subject to change, but some are as follows:
  1. Only level 70 characters may be imported
  2. A character may only ever be imported once
  3. Warglaives are not available on Smolderforge, and therefore will not be imported
  4. Your character will be flagged for rename if the name is not available on Smolderforge
  5. A maximum of 75 Badges of Justice will be allowed to be imported
  6. Arena rewards will not be imported in order to conform with the Smolderforge arena seasonal reward system. These include:
  7. Pets will not be imported since we have an auto-trainer NPC
  8. PvP rank titles will not be imported since they will re-calculate on your next kill
Update 2020/04/22: The tool is now live and located on our beta, in-development website at: https://beta.smolderforge.com/account/character-import
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Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

Post by dedopopo »

Hello. Are there any news about the char transfers yet or we gonna have to w8 more and where can i see the news about it when it comes is it going to be another topic or shuld i just follow this one
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Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

Post by Henhouse »

dedopopo wrote:Hello. Are there any news about the char transfers yet or we gonna have to w8 more and where can i see the news about it when it comes is it going to be another topic or shuld i just follow this one
I will probably update this thread. There will be news on Discord and the website too, so you may want to check that.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

Post by FALANDRA »

hello everyone, I'm from excalibur and its been along time that I have logged in. I was really sad to see the server went down. I got a new set up, iMac and have never owned one before. I'm having a really tought time trying to get wow to run. any tips on what I can go?
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Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

Post by Henhouse »

FALANDRA wrote:hello everyone, I'm from excalibur and its been along time that I have logged in. I was really sad to see the server went down. I got a new set up, iMac and have never owned one before. I'm having a really tought time trying to get wow to run. any tips on what I can go?
It depends what version of macOS the device is running. If you are on macOS Catalina, then I'm afraid neither the native Mac client will run anymore, nor will the Windows one if you emulate it with wine. That is because Apple killed 32-bit apps completely in that version. If you are on anything below Catalina, then you can run the native Mac application, which will give you the best performance.

If you are on Catalina you have two options. There is a paid software that will successfully emulate the 32-bit Windows app called Crossover for Mac, but the performance is meh. Or, you use the built in Bootcamp utility to dual-partition your iMac to have a Windows partition, and boot into that to run TBC.
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Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

Post by FALANDRA »

Im running high sierra
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Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

Post by Henhouse »

FALANDRA wrote:Im running high sierra
You'll be able to run the native client then. See: https://old.reddit.com/r/wowservers/com ... y_started/
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Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

Post by davdes »

You mentionned: ''Arena rewards will not be imported''

Does that mean that we won't be able to transfer our pvp gladiator gear set (S1 to S4) that we acquired on Excalibur TBC?
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Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

Post by Henhouse »

davdes wrote:You mentionned: ''Arena rewards will not be imported''

Does that mean that we won't be able to transfer our pvp gladiator gear set (S1 to S4) that we acquired on Excalibur TBC?
Sorry for the lack of specifics. That is referring specifically to the finalist rewards on Smolderforge which you can see here.

The gear is all fine, we're just referring to our Glad-titles and arena mounts.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: ExcaliburWoW character imports coming soon!

Post by Wayne »

Exciting! Hyped already :)
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