Even suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL

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Posts: 104

Even suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL

Post by Sylferey »

Hi there, everyone knows what this is gonna be about, so let's not waste time

Gurubashi arena, Stranglethorn Valley. Feel the memories of the goold old (not so good) time were you get farmed there? Take revenge now !

You're 70, you have gear, you have spells, use it !

30 players fighting each others, only one can survive.
Every players released into the arena have to fight, you can chose to help a player hoping he will help you then, or to gank him 5vs1, it's up to you, none is safe from betrayal.

Rules :
- Only personnal buffs, no buff from other players at start.
- No food buff / items buffs, no potions.
- Bandage allowed
- Stealth and wait till low hp, or even till the end is allowed
- Flyhack, speedhack? You better use it ! (jk, don't do it, unless you want to offer ppl a good red line " Player banned, reaso: Hacking)

Reward could be 10 votepoints, by exemple, or some fun items

Please, let me know if I can make this better
( I'm also offering to stream the event with THE MOST RANDOM MUSICS I COULD PUT )
Posts: 9

Re: Even suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL

Post by pwii »


Keep in mind that this server is like 8 years old, I've been playing here for almost 4 years.
Every. Single. Event. has been hosted at least once. There is a reason to why they have an list on event(s) that they host, and that is because they are manageable to host.

I know that Game Master Xios or Keas, hosted this event, with over 100+ players in Gurubashi Arena when everyone from Nost came, and it will just end with people teaming up. Or just someone/some people start helping each other without even being in a group because they are friends. And that is extremely hard for them to notice.
+ that healers will join Gurubashi, and they will obviously heal their friends.

If i recall correctly, the TOP HKS(horde) farmers at the time just teamed up and killed everyone.

Your rules.
- Impossible for GMs to look at all 50+ players at once to see them not eating, someone buffing etc..
- Stealth until the end is allowed? - you crazy, man.

Pretty sure they can't add Vote-points.
They give honor/badges or transmog tokens to winners..

I do like the idea, but it's like. You can always wait until the end of a 1v1 event, since when it's over, it's FFA.
Posts: 104

Re: Even suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL

Post by Sylferey »

People teaming up is not a problem ^^ thats the whole principle of the Battle Royal ! You have to survive, by any means you can. Hide, run away, team with ppl, everything is good to be the last.

Note that i've said " no personnal buff at start", that means that ONLY at start, you join with personnal buff, nothing keep you from buffing people during the fight.
And about the clear vision required by the GM to handle, i've chosen to make this with only 30 players, with simple rules that cannot get bypassed. So our dear GM can just /sit and popcorn :)
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