t6 balance
Re: t6 balance
Ofcourse the game would be easier without these gcd. But it's a huge abuse on a rogue side for example. And With many various idols I guess feral would benefit à lot of it. But nvm. The fact is just the blizzlike aspect of pvp. The true cancer of tbc pvp, especially on SF, is the rng.
But it is not the topic subject ;D
But it is not the topic subject ;D
Re: t6 balance
t6 for palladins gave them so op if u gonna compare it with priests for sure. its gonna be not so far if u play dpr combs versus holy palladin wars. idk the reason why devs removed swp rings from the game but it will be nice if they ll add t6 bonus for palladins they give swp rings for priests/druids. its so good joke to play dpr here versus LD combs without spirit regens and its gonna be same good joke for dpr playing here versus t6 dwarf palladin warriors for sure. there are just no good palladins for hit rating in 2s comb and good palladis didnt need to have 4t6 bonuses for make 2.2 here aswell ( u can check some old seasons end topics and see Cain in like top5 teams )
Re: t6 balance
In my opinion, I don't think adding 4 t6 parts to paladins gonna change smth cause the major problem comes when you, as a paladin, face a warlock which are broken in this server and they are all over the arena comps. Since paladins can't cast or do anything against them, that's why any1 actually tries to play it.
Re: t6 balance
You absolutely don't need t6 stuff to be above 2k a feral in arena, if you can't, just regard your gameplay, not your gear ^^
Adding t6 gear is not really an excellent idea since it's mostly a major improve for melee, not for other players ( you don't wanna get hit by s4 warr, so imagine with Apolyon sword, idiot damages ). And we all know that melee already hit enough ^^
(someone has spoken about BGs getting longer with op paladins, if you want decent BGs, just limit the number of druids allowed per BGs on each side ^^ )
Adding t6 gear is not really an excellent idea since it's mostly a major improve for melee, not for other players ( you don't wanna get hit by s4 warr, so imagine with Apolyon sword, idiot damages ). And we all know that melee already hit enough ^^
(someone has spoken about BGs getting longer with op paladins, if you want decent BGs, just limit the number of druids allowed per BGs on each side ^^ )
Re: t6 balance
T6 bracers and belt for Holy Paladins are now available on the PvE vendor.
Retired Game Master.
Re: t6 balance
That's what i said when sunwel was removed :D. Congratulations tho.Oldsalt wrote:T6 bracers and belt for Holy Paladins are now available on the PvE vendor.
Re: t6 balance
Bummer Druids didn't make the cut. Contrary to what was previously stated, Ferocious Bite is not a worthwhile finisher to spend 5cps & 35+ energy on, especially since no Feral takes the 5 point +15% Ferocious Bite "Feral Aggression" talent.
Most of a Feral's damage comes from Shred/Mangle. Without a spell to slow the enemy's movement speed, nor a -50% healing reduction, OR interrupt (Maim is best used as a gouge CC, not an interrupt) they're left in the dust against any competent healer.
Ferals could really use a +15% stronger rip bleed in PvP.
Most of a Feral's damage comes from Shred/Mangle. Without a spell to slow the enemy's movement speed, nor a -50% healing reduction, OR interrupt (Maim is best used as a gouge CC, not an interrupt) they're left in the dust against any competent healer.
Ferals could really use a +15% stronger rip bleed in PvP.
Re: t6 balance
In my opinion you should give t6 offparts to all classes and spects or none. Giving it just to one class and also spect isnt fair. While it is true that paladins have it a lot harder since they only have holy shoc as instant all few secs and rest has to be casted but what about resto shaman same deal also has to cast all heals and takes even more physical dmg. So why only boost the hpalas i agree thats also not fair to give it to all since some classes/spects whould have small to zero advantage from using it over pvp offpice because their bonus is shit for pvp and on the other hand some classes get pretty good bonuses like rogs/hpala/mage. So either give it to all or ban it for everone.
Re: t6 balance
Because shamans have way more spells than paladins and it's way more useful in pvp (shocks, totems (wf,grounding,etc),BL,wolf, -50% slow spells duration, etc). They also heal for 2.2k with their 1.5s cast spell while paladins are healing for 1.6k-1.7k top in the same amount of time. Moreover, shamans tend to stack resilience in pvp, whereas paladins, heal bonus and haste.ray1994 wrote:In my opinion you should give t6 offparts to all classes and spects or none. Giving it just to one class and also spect isnt fair. While it is true that paladins have it a lot harder since they only have holy shoc as instant all few secs and rest has to be casted but what about resto shaman same deal also has to cast all heals and takes even more physical dmg. So why only boost the hpalas i agree thats also not fair to give it to all since some classes/spects whould have small to zero advantage from using it over pvp offpice because their bonus is shit for pvp and on the other hand some classes get pretty good bonuses like rogs/hpala/mage. So either give it to all or ban it for everone.
However, adding those t6 offparts didn't change the fact that paladins are not played in pvp(more like arenas). In fact, people will always play the classic setups and that's a thing won't change by adding new gear.
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