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Posts: 94

Re: Population

Post by Zap »


Well, it would seem we're back to more familiar numbers. Well done everyone! How soon before we start seeing the Xfaction BG pleas that fall on deaf ears? :D

How did you seriously manage to scare off everyone in under a month? I think that's a new record.
Posts: 9

Re: Population

Post by pwii »

Are you like really this retarded you 35-year old ex-GM pathetic man. This server has a lot to offer, and it's a PVP server don't forget that, not pve. And our pvp works pretty Damn well. And if you already forgot almost 50-100 people stayed, and most people were only waiting for PLAYtbc. And how is that the staffs fault? The new players play with the community, aka you. And what if you stupid cunts would stop being toxic, doing premades, AFKing in Battlegrounds and start being helpful, then maybe more would have stayed. You self centered fk
Posts: 462
Location: mulgore

Re: Population

Post by Wamboye »

that escalated quickly...
I think we can't blame anyone because there are lots of different reasons why players left. I think it's kinda pointless to talk about it but anyway...

The TBC expansion has gained some recognition and our community might prosper and grow or it might not. Lord knows.

Most of the new players didn't appreciate this server, lots of them really were aids, crying about how bad SF is and announcing how they would soon play somewhere else etc. They just played here because after some noob-wars they became refugees. And everyone knows most refugees are terrorists.

@pwii srsly..
And what if you stupid cunts would stop being toxic

Please describe further how people doing premades and AFKing are toxic and how you aren't.
I asked myself this question many times. Where does toxic behavior end and where does tolerable behavior start? And how do retards fit in that scale? Are some players allowed to be more toxic than others without being banned because they are retarded?

But I agree at the helpful part, I talked to some new players who told me that I was the first one to actually kind of guide them and answer some of their questions. This is because the SF community is toxic and it's nothing new. We should start banning underaged players, people who have been banned before and still talk shit and insult others daily, imigrants, refugees, any sort of minorities, etc.
Posts: 127

Re: Population

Post by Kez »

@Wamboye wow you're so filled with hate and racism. Who did form you like that ?
Kez loves Rule <3
Posts: 462
Location: mulgore

Re: Population

Post by Wamboye »

I'm not just filled with hate, I'm also filled with love. It's balanced. Peace wouldn't exist if noone knew violence. Just like love wouldn't exist without hate. I never unleash my hatred, but when I do you have to run.
Eventhough some of my family members joined the raid against the russians in WW2 I'm neither racist nor is my complexion white.
It's not "who" formed me, it's "what". Lots of things affected my personality, both good and bad. The bad parts come from living in a city where cops harass you because of your skin color while thugs get away with shootouts in bright daylight with hundreds of witnesses around (yesterday). Coming from a neighbourhood full of crime, violence and poverty is not all bad because it makes you able to appreciate the good things in life. It also makes you unafraid and strong. Or it breaks you.
Posts: 99

Re: Population

Post by Sbkzor »

the numbers were only justified cuz ppl were hyped by playtbc which failed launch + nost shutdown, in the same time a tbc german realm was released to benefit of this TBChype so most ppl just gone to try it, and the nost ppl are probably gonna check that Kronos II.

Posts: 127

Re: Population

Post by Kez »

Where are you from?
Kez loves Rule <3
Posts: 462
Location: mulgore

Re: Population

Post by Wamboye »

frankfurt ostend
Posts: 127

Re: Population

Post by Kez »

Und dort solls so brutal zugehen? :o meine tante wohnt in bad neuhaus oder so wie das heisst, auch in Frankfurt
Kez loves Rule <3
Posts: 462
Location: mulgore

Re: Population

Post by Wamboye »

was für bad neuhaus meinst du wixhausen xD ich wohn in der stadt meine nachbarn und freunde sind pusher und in meiner nachbarschaft wird regelmäßig jemand erstochen erschossen oder verhaftet und eingekerkert hier sind auch schöne häuser und sogar 3 mio autos wie laferrari sieht man hier aber hier im ostend erkennt das wachsame auge die milieu lokale und verdächtigen und viele von denen sind auf crack und bewaffnet
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