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Re: Transmog

Post by alucard001 »

Hey. I want to discuss a little about the Tmog system.

It is cool imo but there are some issues about this.

One of them is that you should make Transmog something more usable. I mean, you only give for free the three vanilla sets plus the TBC content that you can buy but, what about all those Vanilla pieces from raids, plus the weapons and such things?

I know there is a way to tmog weapons but they cost 5dollars each, that is HUGE imo since you lose the tokens.

Im just saying that the Tmog system has a lot of restrictions that should be more flexible, like obtaining items or the lack of Tokens/costs of them.

Posts: 25

Re: Transmog

Post by Galathion »

alucard001 wrote:Hey. I want to discuss a little about the Tmog system.

It is cool imo but there are some issues about this.

One of them is that you should make Transmog something more usable. I mean, you only give for free the three vanilla sets plus the TBC content that you can buy but, what about all those Vanilla pieces from raids, plus the weapons and such things?

I know there is a way to tmog weapons but they cost 5dollars each, that is HUGE imo since you lose the tokens.

Im just saying that the Tmog system has a lot of restrictions that should be more flexible, like obtaining items or the lack of Tokens/costs of them.
Can't you get those other items simply from the appropriate NPCs that drop them?
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Re: Transmog

Post by Wamboye »

alucard001 wrote:what about all those Vanilla pieces from raids, plus the weapons and such things?
We actually used to raid BWL, Naxxramas, MC, ZG, Ony, AQ20+40, etc to get that stuff. But for the hard ones you need a raid.
I played on some shitty server where they've nerfed the raids and you could do Naxx with 2 players, and they created a heroic mode for every lvl 60 raid set up for lvl 70 and t6 gear. That was kinda nice but requires way to many changes, scripts, etc.

So no, you don't have to pay 5$ to get those, but it's hard to get them the legit way and some items are unobtainable due to missing scrips/spawns of bosses.

Idk if they should just give away tmog items for free, but I'd like to be able to mog plate into cloth and staves into swords etc. we got more important things to work on though.
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Re: Transmog

Post by Bucovsky »

There would be no originality in transmogging if everything was available instantly and for free.
Posts: 107

Re: Transmog

Post by robsn »

please keep it like that i want to be smth special !!!
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