Re: Apologies
@ptaqback unban? Youre logging constantly on SF with s2/s4 druids to play with buschwacka :) I dont have to say more, I dont hate you ptaq but you will never change so you should stay banned.
Kez loves Rule <3
Re: Apologies
I respect your opinion Kez and understand your concern about me, but if you really don't hate me, you could give me a chance :)
Re: Apologies
Just look how cute Ptaq really is!ptaqback wrote:I respect your opinion Kez and understand your concern about me, but if you really don't hate me, you could give me a chance :)
It's funny how a certain player (wink wink) should be banned instead of him but now he is here talking.
Re: Apologies
I got unbanned several times too so why wouldnt you get unbanned either. @Strix if you mean me with "certain player" you are very wrong, I changed myself 180 degrees, or have you seen me flaming or beeing rude to another players since Iam unbanned. This lowlife flame Business isnt my part anymore because Its super useless.
Kez loves Rule <3
Re: Apologies
If we just go back to this topic we can see the direction the server is taking regarding actions, it can be a nice thing too, but this was a bad start imo.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Re: Apologies
Is this adressed to yourself v ?Kez wrote:I changed myself 180 degrees, or have you seen me flaming or beeing rude to another players since Iam unbanned.
There are countless screenshots of you insulting other players because you lost against them in arenas, insulting gms and admins, you are as far from having the competency to judge wether a person should be banned or not as miley cyrus is from being president.Kez wrote:you will never change so you should stay banned.
Re: Apologies
All I have to say is this: There have been countless people who flamed every day and who only logged on SF to AFK tanaris and trashtalk. People like that have recieved second and maybe even fifth chances.
Ptaq is a different case. Some people have compared him to Ruuren, Horrorfever or what not but in reality that comparsion is just wrong. This guy is an arena player, that's his thing. Other players are all about trashtalking, spamming and pretending to be something etc. However Ptaq just enjoys playing arenas and the only reason why there have been so many conflicts with him is because being a decent arena player on SF attracts a lot of attention. And dealing with people who were screened dozends of times insulting others for no reason isn't easy, no, if someone insults me he can expect rude behavior from me in return. It's obvious that someone who claims he changed (and who does the same things Ptaq was banned for on a larger scale) comes out and sais people do not change just because he wants to keep the competition banned. I pity you, Kez. Please improve on yourself and maybe one day we can share mutual respect.
So here we have a guy who just wants to play arenas, who I've never seen starting a fight but being drawn into them, who has had enough time to think about what he did wrong and improve, who eventually learned to deal with disrespect, hate and stupidity. There are toxic players on SF, lots of them, I would even consider myself (slightly) toxic, but I do not doubt for a second that Ptaq is not toxic but an important part of the community because he helped reviving the arena scene on SF while other toxic players try to destroy it (countless complains about dodgers, wintraders, nightfarmers).
I think I made it clear enough. On SF many players have issues. We have drug addicts, depressive people, aggressive people, racists, 12 year olds, and in my country you are only responsible for your actions to a certain degree. If your blood-alcohol exeeds a certain level, you are not responsible for any crimes commited under this alcohol influence. The staff has always been kind and forgiving with me, just like with Kez, that's why this whole drama confused me.
This guy takes full responsibility for his actions and just asks for a second chance. I don't see a reason why we should deny him the chance to enjoy playing arenas on SF. That's all he wants and you can be sure that he won't risk losing this opportunity again.
Ptaq is a different case. Some people have compared him to Ruuren, Horrorfever or what not but in reality that comparsion is just wrong. This guy is an arena player, that's his thing. Other players are all about trashtalking, spamming and pretending to be something etc. However Ptaq just enjoys playing arenas and the only reason why there have been so many conflicts with him is because being a decent arena player on SF attracts a lot of attention. And dealing with people who were screened dozends of times insulting others for no reason isn't easy, no, if someone insults me he can expect rude behavior from me in return. It's obvious that someone who claims he changed (and who does the same things Ptaq was banned for on a larger scale) comes out and sais people do not change just because he wants to keep the competition banned. I pity you, Kez. Please improve on yourself and maybe one day we can share mutual respect.
So here we have a guy who just wants to play arenas, who I've never seen starting a fight but being drawn into them, who has had enough time to think about what he did wrong and improve, who eventually learned to deal with disrespect, hate and stupidity. There are toxic players on SF, lots of them, I would even consider myself (slightly) toxic, but I do not doubt for a second that Ptaq is not toxic but an important part of the community because he helped reviving the arena scene on SF while other toxic players try to destroy it (countless complains about dodgers, wintraders, nightfarmers).
I think I made it clear enough. On SF many players have issues. We have drug addicts, depressive people, aggressive people, racists, 12 year olds, and in my country you are only responsible for your actions to a certain degree. If your blood-alcohol exeeds a certain level, you are not responsible for any crimes commited under this alcohol influence. The staff has always been kind and forgiving with me, just like with Kez, that's why this whole drama confused me.
This guy takes full responsibility for his actions and just asks for a second chance. I don't see a reason why we should deny him the chance to enjoy playing arenas on SF. That's all he wants and you can be sure that he won't risk losing this opportunity again.
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