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2.4.3 wasn't preparation to wotlk, wtf dude. 3.0.2 was preparation to wotlk but 2.4.3 was normal patch, i guess at least 4+ month long, whole 4th arena season was played on it.
Macduff wrote:Here is yet another inconvenient post for you.
By Liquified on 2008/06/23 at 10:26 AM (Patch 2.4.2)
So I was just browsing the patch note for 2.4.3 and this line was included:
Equipping an item will now cancel any spell cast currently in progress.
This seems to me that the "/equip libram of mending" in my macro won't work anymore. Or would it still work if the order was changed to
/equip libram of mending
/cast Holy Light (Rank5)
By Blaquespell on 2008/06/23 at 11:26 PM (Patch 2.4.2)
Now try it while in combat. Swapping in the Libram will cause your heal to fail with "Spell is not ready."
By Liquified on 2008/06/24 at 10:43 PM (Patch 2.4.2) Oh no. So esentially swapping your libram in combat causes some sort of global cooldown?
By TheRealAzoth on 2008/06/25 at 10:32 PM (Patch 2.4.2) Sadly, yes it does.
What he did on ptr was changing of the orded in that macro from /cast holy light /equip relic to vice versa. He tried that and ofc it did worked, coz he did it out of combat. But in combat switching relics triggers GCD, that's why it didn't worked in combat. OKAY?
I'm about to lose hope with you. You just proved my point once again, the point I have made in every single post on this subject. That the way the relic swapping mechanic functioned was CHANGED IN 2.4.3.
To go from a system where a macro like this works.
"/equip libram of mending
/cast Holy Light (Rank5)"
To a new system where said macro no longer works. What part of this do you not understand it's so bloody simple yet you refuse to accept logic and evidence.
I am arguing that we should use the 2.4.2 system rather than the 2.4.3 system. Why you still not understand such a simple mechanic?????
I'm about to lose hope with you. You just proved my point once again, the point I have made in every single post on this subject. That the way the relic swapping mechanic functioned was CHANGED IN 2.4.3.
To go from a system where a macro like this works.
"/equip libram of mending
/cast Holy Light (Rank5)"
To a new system where said macro no longer works. What part of this do you not understand it's so bloody simple yet you refuse to accept logic and evidence.
I am arguing that we should use the 2.4.2 system rather than the 2.4.3 system. Why you still not understand such a simple mechanic?????
somebody, pls, help me with this guy, he doesn't want to read at all. swapping relic before the spell (IN COMBAT) was impossible before 2.4.3 too. so what they did was start cast of holy light and then switch relic (coz you can switch relic or weapon in combat while there are gcd). but in 2.4.3 blizzard fixed SWAPPING ITEMS IN THE CAST (when your Holy Light casting) and not relic swapping.
the guy in your link was trying to bypass that change by changing macro from /cast holy light / equip relic into /equip relic / cast holy light. this works out of combat. but the guy was stupid, he didn't knew that switching anything in combat (relic or weapon) will trigger GCD and spell won't start until that GCD won't go off.
So you are saying the thousands upon thousands of macros like this;
/equip libram of mending
/cast Holy Light (Rank5)
that are found in hundreds of archived web pages and websites, were this is countless discussion on thread after thread including the one I just linked, were only used, ONLY used and hence only created for people who used them while out of combat? Then why the fuck would they create these macros? Just to dick about? Is that what you are seriously saying? That all those people who created and used those macros, just wanted to have a laugh with them when out of combat and then immediately delete them for pvp/pve? Are you being serious? How could anyone possible think that? Thats beyond stupid.
So you are saying the thousands upon thousands of macros like this;
/equip libram of mending
/cast Holy Light (Rank5)
that are found in hundreds of archived web pages and websites, were this is countless discussion on thread after thread including the one I just linked, were only used, ONLY used and hence only created for people who used them while out of combat? Then why the fuck would they create these macros? Just to dick about? Is that what you are seriously saying? That all those people who created and used those macros, just wanted to have a laugh with them when out of combat and then immediately delete them for pvp/pve? Are you being serious? How could anyone possible think that? Thats beyond stupid.