Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

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Posts: 45

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Atky »

second - you obviously can't read your own link, i even pointed you where exactly you should look. switching relic before spell in combat triggers gcd and you can't cast spell during that gcd. confirmed by your own link. thx for it btw, one more proof that it was workin only on bad private servers but not on retail.
NO. YOU read the thread, specifically this part;
Currently in the live realms, you are able to switch equipment, including librams, during casting.

The 2.4.3 changes mean that if you do switch things during casting, it will cancel your cast.
Posts: 77

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Lelol »

Some other things that were removed in 2.4.3:
*usage of Rocket Boots
*Pets always following targets even when they go into stealth
*op cheat death
*Dispellable mage/lock armors

Want those back too because they were part of majority of TBC?

Posts: 177

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Paniz »

Macduff wrote:NO. YOU read the thread, specifically this part;
yeah, guy tried to use macro out of combat. one post later guy told him to do that in combat. ofc macro fails. 10/10 proff xD
Posts: 17

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Macduff »

Paniz wrote:yeah, guy tried to use macro out of combat. one post later guy told him to do that in combat. ofc macro fails. 10/10 proff xD
Read this.
Currently in the live realms, you are able to switch equipment, including librams, during casting.

The 2.4.3 changes mean that if you do switch things during casting, it will cancel your cast.
If the thread isn't already clear enough. Hope that helps.
Posts: 45

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Atky »

Paniz wrote:yeah, guy tried to use macro out of combat. one post later guy told him to do that in combat. ofc macro fails. 10/10 proff xD
Read this.
Currently in the live realms, you are able to switch equipment, including librams, during casting.

The 2.4.3 changes mean that if you do switch things during casting, it will cancel your cast.
If the thread isn't already clear enough. Hope that helps.
Posts: 177

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Paniz »

oh wow, man, i didn't expected that you don't read anything but first post. try to do it.
Posts: 17

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Macduff »

Lelol wrote:Some other things that were removed in 2.4.3:

usage of Rocket Boots
Pets always following targets even when they go into stealth
op cheat death
Dispellable mage/lock armors

Want those back too because they were part of majority of TBC?
And thats exactly why I said context was important. Becuause there were major relic changes in woltk, for which 2.4.3 was in preparation for. (Librams became much stronger in wotlk, but bound hence unchangeable. There was a blue post talking about it at the time and will be archived somewhere.
Posts: 45

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Atky »

Lelol wrote:Some other things that were removed in 2.4.3:

usage of Rocket Boots
Pets always following targets even when they go into stealth
op cheat death
Dispellable mage/lock armors

Want those back too because they were part of majority of TBC?
And thats exactly why I said context was important. Becuause there were major relic changes in woltk, for which 2.4.3 was in preparation for. (Librams became much stronger in wotlk, but bound hence unchangeable. There was a blue post talking about it at the time and will be archived somewhere.
Posts: 17

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Macduff »

Paniz wrote:oh wow, man, i didn't expected that you don't read anything but first post. try to do it.
Here is yet another inconvenient post for you.
Ok, I just went and tested this macro:

/equip Libram of Mending
/cast Holy Light

and it does indeed work so answered my own question, false alarm.
Posts: 45

Re: Bring back Libram/Idol/Relic swapping

Post by Atky »

Paniz wrote:oh wow, man, i didn't expected that you don't read anything but first post. try to do it.
Here is yet another inconvenient post for you.
Ok, I just went and tested this macro:

/equip Libram of Mending
/cast Holy Light

and it does indeed work so answered my own question, false alarm.
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