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Re: Pop

Post by ZatYo »

someone put a screenshot of /who arena ruins
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Re: Pop

Post by ZatYo »

stormwind/og malls are better than shat cause u can raid them
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Re: Pop

Post by Henhouse »

ZatYo wrote:stormwind/og malls are better than shat cause u can raid them
I don't want that. I don't want new players joining and getting immediately killed in the mall. That would be the fastest way to get new people to immediately quit.
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Re: Pop

Post by Akeno »

The pop increase seems to have slowed down now that one new tbc server tried to launch a few days ago. However it failed, so I'm guessing more people might come here again, specially on the weekends.
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Re: Pop

Post by Akeno »

Would be really cool to have a script that teleports new players to a different mall depending on the number of online players. For example: if less than 500 players are online - new characters start inthe mall of Tanaris, if 500 + are playing, then new players get teleported to another mall or like someone suggested - we use the fading system : same Tanaris mall but less players visible (if that would fix the lag issues).

Also, I think that many people are not complaining about latency lag, they're complaining about the random lag spikes they're getting while playing and for some reason it's connected to your client's view distance, but the problem seems to persist only on Smolderforge.

Lastly, I was thinking: wouldn't it be cool to be allowed to enter battleground zones without being actually in a battleground. Sort of like a PvP zone, but with no battleground objectives and players allowed to form their own parties (from the same faction) or play alone. Let's say, you're waiting for WSG and you still feel like PvP-ing and besides Hyjal/Azshara you can also enter the WSG zone, but without it being a battleground. View it as a ''training'' zone. I think it would be really cool and I know it's possible. Graveyards can be on zeppelins just like in Hyjal (if i remember correctly).
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Re: Pop

Post by ZatYo »

Henhouse wrote:I don't want that. I don't want new players joining and getting immediately killed in the mall. That would be the fastest way to get new people to immediately quit.
But the tanaris mall will stay as a safe one, and new players will be spawned there. Capitals would be just optional for players who dont wanna stay in the crowded tanaris, there's plently reasons, for example if they lag.
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Re: Pop

Post by Awoth »

ZatYo wrote:But the tanaris mall will stay as a safe one, and new players will be spawned there. Capitals would be just optional for players who dont wanna stay in the crowded tanaris, there's plently reasons, for example if they lag.
Honestly, this won't change much.
We used to have optional malls before (Shattrath) and nobody went there.
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Re: Pop

Post by Paniz »

Awoth wrote:Honestly, this won't change much.
We used to have optional malls before (Shattrath) and nobody went there.
This might be because there are no arena spectator in Shatt :P Same problem with Orgrimmar battlemasters, there are no arena spectator NPC and no NPC to que solo 3s. PLS add them :)
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Re: Pop

Post by ZatYo »

Ye cause there's no need for it with 200 population but if there's 800 people its different. And as Paniz said make sure nothing from tanaris is missing in the new malls. Also place portals or something to the new malls so people can see them first thing when they log on on a new character.
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Re: Pop

Post by Mayore »

Wait what, SF has now 800 players?
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