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Re: Pop

Post by pwii »

>400 online
>14th april
>people act like they don't care
>alphas and betas getting tierd of new peoples shit
>Ji ems are starting to mute & ban players
>everyone that wait for new server says
>"server will die when failtbc release"
>release day
>still 400 online
>failtbc fail.gif
>youtube mrgamemaster review launch
>mfw he can't even login to server in the failtbc review vid
>mfw he makes the video private after a couple of hours
>no failtbc
>Failtbc is blizzlike
>mfw start at 60

It will be funny if they are stupid enough to hype it on twitch the next time they try to release the server
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Re: Pop

Post by Kez »

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Re: Pop

Post by Henhouse »

People do not believe me when I say TBC cores out of the box are very, very bad. You must remember development of them were abandoned in 2009 to develop WotLK. Most have been privately developed or poorly community-supported since.

They're plagued with numerous issues, crashes, and bugs. SF has been around for 8 years so we've had the time to fix a lot of crashes and issues as we went. Yet, there's still tons more we find all the time. The expectation that somehow all the issues wouldn't surface on a massive release is folly, along with it being unable to handle high traffic. I think coming from Nostalrius people assumed possibly that servers normally deliver that high of quality, but in the years of private servers being around, Nostalrius was the first of its kind that delivered such a high standard of playability with the lack of income.

Additionally I do not know why it wasn't a red flag when the only YouTube videos on said new server promoting the server are minor random bug fixes, a quest in Outland being scripted, and the Dark Portal mobs fighting, which are already scripted by default. There's nothing on the raids/dungeons, PvP, etc. I think people are in for a rude awakening if it manages to be played. Best of luck to them, but people highly underestimate what all must be done in order for a server to work properly.
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Re: Pop

Post by Itslovelol »

They are a bunch of amateurs. Quote me on this, they have no dev experience at all. They are upgrading their hardware because of the login server is crashing? I mean wtf.
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Re: Pop

Post by Akeno »

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Re: Pop

Post by Akeno »

And more are joining!
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Re: Pop

Post by Henhouse »

556 concurrent connected accounts (means includes people in char screen). New record. Pretty awesome to see. :) Glad to know the server is handling the traffic okay still.

If the numbers stay relatively high, or grow, we're going to need consider multiple malls or some way to spread people out. The traffic in the mall at the moment is insane, it's hard to even see what's there in the sea of players. :P
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Re: Pop

Post by Wacco »

Do portals for Shattrath malls again and maybe to Uldum mall.
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Re: Pop

Post by Wacco »

Or that Island. Leak.
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Re: Pop

Post by Akeno »

Server feels so alive. Smolderforge forever! :D
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