8 years and pve still need for fix...
Re: 8 years and pve still need for fix...
how much ppl leave the server waiting the ragnaros fix??
how much ppl leave after remove the swp itens??
staff, u really doing wrong. stop this ARENAS, always sames guys playing it, nobody new on competitive...
use u PVE to push more ppl for u server..
Smolderforge waiting for it...
how much ppl leave after remove the swp itens??
staff, u really doing wrong. stop this ARENAS, always sames guys playing it, nobody new on competitive...
use u PVE to push more ppl for u server..
Smolderforge waiting for it...
Re: 8 years and pve still need for fix...
Seriously, @teitei is totally right, you should see our 20man raids and how people want to see pve side getting more support from you.
Re: 8 years and pve still need for fix...
Sorry guys, but plz, don't ruin the last PvP TBC server with "bring back swp items" threads and "pve maters" phrases. PvE doesn't brings any new "fresh blood" into arenas neither it improve PvP in any way. It only brings ppl who either don't care about it at all or ppl who have no idea how to play their class vs other players which is even worse since we have random 3s braket. There are enough pve servers out there and none of them any good for pvp. Pls, don't turn Smolderforge into one more.
Re: 8 years and pve still need for fix...
Who the heck spelled something about swp content? We talk about the actual scripts. Dude, we like to do pve each day, that doesn't make us brainless unskilled pvp-ers, but we want something to work with players not against them, it's a social based community not a competitive one.Paniz wrote:Sorry guys, but plz, don't ruin the last PvP TBC server with "bring back swp items" threads and "pve maters" phrases. PvE doesn't brings any new "fresh blood" into arenas neither it improve PvP in any way. It only brings ppl who either don't care about it at all or ppl who have no idea how to play their class vs other players which is even worse since we have random 3s braket. There are enough pve servers out there and none of them any good for pvp. Pls, don't turn Smolderforge into one more.
We don't need shit comparisons between this 2 different worlds, arena doesn't belong to this topic in any way so shut it down.
Teitei pointed out the lack of pve investments, not a major switch to pve camp.
Re: 8 years and pve still need for fix...
and there were other threads about "bring back swp items". The problem is that SF is a pvp server mostly but we still have quite alot of bugs with classes and people who can fix it are quite busy nowadays. If you will also pull attention to scripting dungeons - it will be even worse and we won't get any fixes at all.teitei wrote:how much ppl leave after remove the swp itens??
Re: 8 years and pve still need for fix...
Yea sure, do you really think that they are busy fixing pvp 24/7? I'm pretty sure they know exactly what it must to be done but the time it's a rare resource, so our ideas would take the same amount of time since we just queue for them and nothing more. Every player want something more for his hero, don't think devs are so focused on one thing and if someone tells them to do something out of their schedule, they will simply lose control that easy. We just bring some aspects in terms of SF productivity.Paniz wrote:@CosminPetrisor
and there were other threads about "bring back swp items". The problem is that SF is a pvp server mostly but we still have quite alot of bugs with classes and people who can fix it are quite busy nowadays. If you will also pull attention to scripting dungeons - it will be even worse and we won't get any fixes at all.
Re: 8 years and pve still need for fix...
I didn't said they are busy fixing pvp bugs 24/7. I said they are busy nowadays and can't even get time to fix at least really critical bugs. PvE fixes should have very low priority at least untill critical classes bugs are fixed.
Re: 8 years and pve still need for fix...
''It only brings ppl who either don't care about it at all or ppl who have no idea how to play their class vs other players''
and u think how much of online ppl have idea how to play vs others chars??
paniz, u and others 40-50 guys only play arena..
Tryhards actually have 20-30 players online daily, and all dont play arena... all noobs?? no, just u choice is play pve, and why play pve here??? cause here have a oportunity to start with good gear, u any time in our life have farmed one char lvl 1-70 with 1x??? and in our life u have played in decent pve guild for farm the endgame gear??? i think never.
and u think how much of online ppl have idea how to play vs others chars??
paniz, u and others 40-50 guys only play arena..
Tryhards actually have 20-30 players online daily, and all dont play arena... all noobs?? no, just u choice is play pve, and why play pve here??? cause here have a oportunity to start with good gear, u any time in our life have farmed one char lvl 1-70 with 1x??? and in our life u have played in decent pve guild for farm the endgame gear??? i think never.
Re: 8 years and pve still need for fix...
i actually mostly play bgs and duels) can't play arenas that often, only 1-2 times a week.teitei wrote:paniz, u and others 40-50 guys only play arena..
you are wrong, i did long time ago) but again, thank god SF is mostly pvp server, the only pvp server left. we still have enough of pve oriented tbc servers out there and alot of them are quite populated but all of them sucks in terms of pvp, it's just unsuitable for pvp at all. you don't come to pub to order some foie gras shit and to listen some live classic music. same with servers.teitei wrote:u any time in our life have farmed one char lvl 1-70 with 1x??? and in our life u have played in decent pve guild for farm the endgame gear??? i think never.
Re: 8 years and pve still need for fix...
its suck ins terms of pvp cause all need farm u gear... here with 5$ u have full brutal, its not the question, i just calling the server still need a balance with pvp and pve guys, exemple, no-donators dont have a chance to buy BT itens, its only sell inside vip area, for it need farm inside BT, and BT actually have bad script.
now say for me, how one guy can farm it without one decente pve guild???
now say for me, how one guy can farm it without one decente pve guild???
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