What's up with all the thread locks?

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Re: What's up with all the thread locks?

Post by Zap »

I know that you guys lock threads where there's bickering and such, even though it's usually far worse in game, but I see threads with no malice getting locked as well. Guess I'm just curious as to why. The forums are dead for the most part nowadays, and locking every thread isn't going to change that for the better.

I suppose it's just another reminder of the times: Pvp quality is garbage, No pve, queue times growing each day, and nothing seems to be getting done to counter it. Outside of the production of another profession zone in the works, which I still question how that's going to benefit anything. Perhaps nobody cares anymore. I haven't wanted to accept that, even when I heard exactly that from a couple GMs. It just seems that every idea that is presented is ignored, with the only real addition(s) to the server being the opposite of what is needed for growth.

Just my opinion, but it's just been nagging me as of late. Just what are you guys doing?

inb4 thread is locked.
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Re: What's up with all the thread locks?

Post by Firstaidkit »

WTB more Legendary Mogs for Clothies
WTB Crossfaction BG's for more BG Balance.
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Re: What's up with all the thread locks?

Post by Judger »

Zap wrote:Pvp quality is garbage, No pve
How the fuck you came up with "no pve" bullshit since I'm doing daily hcs with guild buddies every single night, sometimes 15 man raids struggling to cap end game pve gear, legendary tokens, tmog items, rep with various factions and so on. Even @Xios is watching Tryhard's activity and he's coming up with new ideas and supporting.

Regarding pvp side, it's pretty decent, no major game breaking bugs in terms of class fixes, just a few minor here and there, the most considerably issue wich you could rage about is horde/alliance ratio, as @Firstaidkit mentioned above.

I hate the fact that in each damn life stage of a server has always been whiny pessimists but they're continously playing until they'll rage quit after many years of complaining. If @Henhouse prefers to leave it like this we all have to deal with it.
Posts: 94

Re: What's up with all the thread locks?

Post by Zap »

Funny, whenever i do a /who its always either quel thalas or tanaris where everyone is. I try to get a group and can't get a tank. What guild is running them and when? Not trying to be whiny,its just what ive encountered daily. As for pvp. No, im not saying bugs... i said quality is garbage. One team zergs against mostly green horns that rush into mentioned zerg until they lose. Guess it was a tl;dr for you.
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Re: What's up with all the thread locks?

Post by Wacco »

Nobody cares anymore, SF simply need an enthusiast like Grael or Keas to get back on its feet.
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Re: What's up with all the thread locks?

Post by Break »

Firstaidkit wrote:WTB more Legendary Mogs for Clothies
WTB Crossfaction BG's for more BG Balance.
if you actually want more bg balance stop queueing premades maybe?
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Re: What's up with all the thread locks?

Post by Judger »

Firstaidkit wrote:WTB Crossfaction BG's for more BG Balance.
Break wrote:if you actually want more bg balance stop queueing premades maybe?
Actually, since we won't get that crossfaction for some reason, other option would be restriction joining as group and that will stop Fak or any other top hker farming, will also bring individual skill on table.
The down side of this is the end of pvp guilds. So yeah...just an idea...

Zap wrote:What guild is running them and when?
Guild name: "Tryhards". They usually came on after 6:00 pm realm time. Give it a try and see how it works.
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Re: What's up with all the thread locks?

Post by Apuclevercow »

@CosminPetrisor You just pointed the issue: Heroics... HCs are PvE but PvE isn't just HCs, right? Even though your guild is constantly doing these very easy 5-men dungeons or the very diverting SC, it doesn't bring any PvE hype.
I'm not blaming your guild here. It's about the development team being either absent or focused on arenas to be sure their characters get titles.

@Firstaidkit Played few games recently and it looked balanced. I mean that both sides had their chance to win. Not sure how it is during the peak hours. Do you know if Archibald is still playing here? Noticed one druid on Roflcopters.

@Zap If the new profession area is on the middle building of Tanaris, that's great. It'd reduce the splitting. If not in Tanaris, that must be a joke.

@Awoth Where did your event go?

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Re: What's up with all the thread locks?

Post by Paniz »

you get FAK wrong, guys. when he says "bg balance" - he doesn't means balance in any way. all he meant is just fast invite pops :) he doesn't care about balance, all he cares for is to be able to zerg again faster.
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Re: What's up with all the thread locks?

Post by Firstaidkit »

We queue solo since a week or so since the queues are fucked up. No point in joining as group any longer at this time. And of course we want fast pops, isn't that what we all want?
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