Going back Horde? BG Balance

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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Apuclevercow »

It is very naive to think NB will indirectly bring players to SF, at its current level of advertising.

Moreover most of NB players are vanilla players who were into PvE on BC.
But they were disappointed by the so-called PvE BC servers, so they joined the former vanilla servers few years ago. They're very exacting and NB had to face this multiple times at its beginning, but they did it perfectly, without any mistake. It doesn't let any space to other servers.
So let's say these guys will not enjoy PvE on SF, will they accept PvP here? Why would they?
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Wacco »

Apuclevercow wrote: So let's say these guys will not enjoy PvE on SF, will they accept PvP here? Why would they?
Would be so funny if a handful of players comes over here and just fuck up FAK's guild.


I believe that you know about this FAK and it's good that you try to take action but nothing will change as it is. You are involved in this, not consciously, not on purpose but when there was guilds like passion, one spot, war in our hearts, ym etc. or any core guild that was active, that wanted to win, that had a good core of people, there was this rivalry here or that will to fight/play. Something that could stand a zerg(or before this zerging shit) a guild that did good premades, a guild that could CC or focus healers. This amazing era when just warriors had 2 healers. It was really had fun here before.

When something like this won't pop up here from anywhere (or comeback if you will) there will always be this problem, this lack to even queue against an established premade/guild. This attitude or unmotivated mindset you get when you know that you won't be able to win with your team. Cross-faction BG's wouldn't help at all against this problem, queue times would be mush faster and a bit of balance class-wise over factions would help.

I'm sure that it won't solve the problem that a certain amount of players join a premade and destroys everything that gets in the way. It's exactly the same kind of problems that will always exist in this world when the elite unites for their own gaining, for his own selfishness.

TL;DR increase population please.
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Paniz »

Nvm, FAK doesn't cares about "bg balance" neither he want to do anything to improve it. All he cares about is fast bg invites to his premade so he can zerg again as fast as possible. That what he meant when was talking about bg balance and that's why he want crossfaction bgs. I dunno, maybe older guys were beating him in the childhood so now he asserts himself like this. I would suggest him also to try MMA fights vs preschool children, that would work same good as premade vs randoms.
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Apuclevercow »

@Wacco When I was arguing for CFBGs, I asked for a premade limitation to groups, and not to the BG number of players limitation, (off-topic) with a very consistent automated repartition system, which was balancing as much as possible the BG teams.

I used to play here with 3-4 players premades, and it was very enough to face large premade, have fun, and focus on objectives. #FreeFarmForCows
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Skillcaped »

Crossfaction. Thats the only solution
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Wacco »

Apuclevercow wrote:@Wacco When I was arguing for CFBGs, I asked for a premade limitation to groups, and not to the BG number of players limitation, (off-topic) with a very consistent automated repartition system, which was balancing as much as possible the BG teams.

I used to play here with 3-4 players premades, and it was very enough to face large premade, have fun, and focus on objectives. #FreeFarmForCows
Some years ago there was a non-raid-queue-system just like AV for a while and that was really successful imo. I have no idea why Hen removed that. It should be implemented again. Maybe it's possible to prioritize
party vs party, after X-BG's comes that is.
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by robsn »

One Spot !!
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Keyori »

@robsn One Spot is dead !
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Firstaidkit »

It is not possible to balance the BG's teams in the current state of the server. So I tried to balance out the queus to switch the guild to horde (also not everyone went some stayed on Alliance) and it worked a bit that's the best I can do. It's not my fault all of those other premade guilds died or are inactive.

Plus that my guild isn't even that big anymore it consists out of 20 people, they just know how to play.
Also I am not even stacking healers we only got two active healers. Most of the guild is dps actually.

I really hope that more players come that can bring us a challenge.
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Houm »

@Apuclevercow bring your ass back
seriously Im cool
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