Going back Horde? BG Balance

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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Discyo »

robsn wrote:Just create an horde twink
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by robsn »

@Discyo thanks you got it !
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Discyo »

: )
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Firstaidkit »

robsn wrote:Just create an horde twink
That is the issue here, players just log whatever side is winning, also that creates the unbalance between factions.
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Akeno »

I still feel like playing from time to time, but i'd really wish to see some positive changes and I know Hen is quite busy and that's why I'm patient. I feel like TBC and specially Smolderforge can be reborn again, but that requires a lot of dedication and time.

I'd still like to see the crossfaction idea no matter how high/low the population is. This will solve the whole login/out to join the winning side.
I'd still like to see a new trailer or review of Smolderforge brining new or old players back.
And finally - some good fixes and PvP balance.

I think all of this can be achieved and I'm strongly positive about it.
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Keyori »

@Firstaidkit many people from Alliance side are happy because you are on Alliance side, so this would be good if you stay and play on Alliance side. ;)
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Wacco »

It doesn't matter what faction you are, they will always be unbalanced at this state.
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Henhouse »

Akeno wrote:I still feel like playing from time to time, but i'd really wish to see some positive changes and I know Hen is quite busy and that's why I'm patient. I feel like TBC and specially Smolderforge can be reborn again, but that requires a lot of dedication and time.

I'd still like to see the crossfaction idea no matter how high/low the population is. This will solve the whole login/out to join the winning side.
I'd still like to see a new trailer or review of Smolderforge brining new or old players back.
And finally - some good fixes and PvP balance.

I think all of this can be achieved and I'm strongly positive about it.
Nostalrius has begun work on their TBC realm. I feel like once that is finished and released, thousands and thousands of players will return to the TBC scene. I think that'll have a nice effect on SF as many players will want to test out other servers, instant 70, etc. So I am hopefully for that to happen and breath some life back into this expansion.
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Firstaidkit »

I hope you are right, could definitely use some more population over here.
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Re: Going back Horde? BG Balance

Post by Paniz »

nostalrius on 50%+ consist of chinese who left some other vanilla server after they made it tbc :D so i wouldn't be so sure about thousands of people who'll return to tbc :(
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