Comeherefour wrote:No.
Crossfaction Battlegrounds
Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds
well you got my point. there are a lot of players on sf who only play one faction (like me). I dont want to play with retards that Ive been farming for months/years unless they log onto a horde char (I dont care about anyones identity so thats fine).Apuclevercow wrote:What a shitty example you bring.
also randoms are barely able to identify not to mention focus enemys. you can observe it in almost any bg, a big character like a tauren warrior get focused even if you put healers and pve casters next to him.
so I wouldnt even consider making it harder and more confusing to target enemys. randoms are far from clever enough to handle it.
oh and did you even think about the consequences for premades? you would be able to gycamp a team with no healers with any baddie premade all day long and I can think of people who would be shameless enough to do this.
how to solve that? only single que? you would get guildmates as enemys dancing with eachother in the bgs then.
as you can see xfk bgs would mess up the gameplay far to much.
Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds
Honestly.. i know you prefer idling 12 hours at one place in Tanaris to get a single queue for bgs, its not only you dont worry, but i'm not sure if you realise that this is about the server and not about you and hatred against some players you "killed" or "farmed" for years.
So get this straight, some players instantly log on the winning faction or simply stop queueing up after one loss, which makes the queue's go unevenly high or low for either alliance or horde, resulting in bg's with an alliance team mostly filled with healers and a horde team full with rogues who do nothing whole bg.
Sounds fun ikr.
However i've stated my opinion before and if you saw the development of the population the past few years, then i have to wonder if there won't be any major changes soon, the remaining 100-150 players mark will never go higher again.
It's a funserver after all, but the fun has stopped long time ago.
PS: I agree with the confusing part coming along with cross faction bg's, but i'd rather take this risk than having the same people, the same team, the same results whole day, week, year.
Would give the whole thing a nice little twist and also opportunities to get better known with other players.
Best Regards, Swackx.
So get this straight, some players instantly log on the winning faction or simply stop queueing up after one loss, which makes the queue's go unevenly high or low for either alliance or horde, resulting in bg's with an alliance team mostly filled with healers and a horde team full with rogues who do nothing whole bg.
Sounds fun ikr.
However i've stated my opinion before and if you saw the development of the population the past few years, then i have to wonder if there won't be any major changes soon, the remaining 100-150 players mark will never go higher again.
It's a funserver after all, but the fun has stopped long time ago.
PS: I agree with the confusing part coming along with cross faction bg's, but i'd rather take this risk than having the same people, the same team, the same results whole day, week, year.
Would give the whole thing a nice little twist and also opportunities to get better known with other players.
Best Regards, Swackx. // check out my stream and follow me if you enjoy the content.
- Apuclevercow
- Posts: 1349
Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds
Whenever I play on a BG, there are retarded/vbad players on both faction, you shouldn't mind playing with one or the other.Wamboye wrote:I dont want to play with retards
I think it's possible to limitate the number of healers on premades. based on the 3v3 solo queue.Wamboye wrote:oh and did you even think about the consequences for premades? you would be able to gycamp a team with no healers with any baddie premade all day long and I can think of people who would be shameless enough to do this.
Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds
you are right and I realize if a teammate is bad too, but I dont pay attention to HOW bad he is. however when I fight an enemy I see all of his skill or stupidity. sometimes people fail or have bad luck but if a rogue repeatedly puts 1cp kidneys on you and blinds you when you have 10 dots and isnt even using poisons youre going to be mad when he gets on the same team as you next game.Apuclevercow wrote:Whenever I play on a BG, there are retarded/vbad players on both faction, you shouldn't mind playing with one or the other.
I think it's possible to limitate the number of healers on premades. based on the 3v3 solo queue.
you can see this very clear in solo que 3s. the amount of rage is insane and I saw lots of games where people refused to cooperate.
as for the premades limiting the number of healers isnt going to solve anything. do you want to limit the number of pve casters etc too?
basically you would give me less skilled teammates (because most skilled ones will be in the premades and stupid dwarfs and nelfs in my team means even more horrible randoms) and only premades as enemys. this is not a legit suggestion whatsoever.
you guys actually found a way to make bgs (especially at night) even more unbalanced and the almost non existent teamplay even worse.
also henry would have to make a system that allows you to get hks for killing your own kind. but imo a cow killing other cows shouldnt be rewarded with an "honorable" kill. thats even worse than gycamping noobs. no honor in that.
so unless henry feels like trolling this is still a terrible idea.
- Apuclevercow
- Posts: 1349
Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds
Ok, what do you think about these guys who watch us sitting in the farm, claiming for our cow base, do you really think they want to be with you on the next BG ?Wamboye wrote:you are right and I realize if a teammate is bad too, but I dont pay attention to HOW bad he is. however when I fight an enemy I see all of his skill or stupidity. sometimes people fail or have bad luck but if a rogue repeatedly puts 1cp kidneys on you and blinds you when you have 10 dots and isnt even using poisons youre going to be mad when he gets on the same team as you next game.
you can see this very clear in solo que 3s. the amount of rage is insane and I saw lots of games where people refused to cooperate.
Oh wait... Nobody cares. It's a fucking BG, on a custom server. There isn't even a rating or an history of what you did on your BGs. Your care level is too high wambo, beware you might get the FAK disease.
If 3s solo queue are on this state, that's only because there is a rating everybody can check and tease you about it. Nothing can change that, it works the same way on every game.
The term "honorable" in WoW only comes to the fact you gain honor, an ingame currency. You gain an "honorable" kill when you do a 5v1, an "honorable" kill when you slain someone afk on the graveyard, an "honorable" kill when you shoot down someone you completely outgear.Wamboye wrote:also henry would have to make a system that allows you to get hks for killing your own kind. but imo a cow killing other cows shouldnt be rewarded with an "honorable" kill..
About premades, restrict them to 5, add few balances on the queue system, based on 3s code and all will be ok. You can't completely balance this, but without taking into account the stuff, chances of win would be something around 50% for both teams. And not 0% when the enemy team has got so many healers that you can't even get a kill.
With its current low pop, SF needs CF BGs first to get faster queues. And then I'm sure they will be able to do more.
Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds
I dont care much either I just dont want to play with dwarfs and gnomes and im trying to find reasons for that to never happen. dude 5 players are far to much. give me 4 decent players and a random nondonor wsg enemy team and ill 5vs10 them.Apuclevercow wrote: Nobody cares. It's a fucking BG, on a custom server.
With its current low pop, SF needs CF BGs first to get faster queues. And then I'm sure they will be able to do more.
So in cowclusion xfk bgs are only worth a try if:
?group queue will be disabled (max 2)
?number of healers will be limited (Id say 2 per wsg team 3 for ab)
?and most important: exclude cows from the faction rotation they shall be horde and nothing else.
if youre going to adjust all these things to make it work you might aswell just create rated bgs and ACTUALLY balance them by giving each team the same amount of skilled players and retards.
- Apuclevercow
- Posts: 1349
Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds
Rated BG would be the worst thing to do. Hopefully it's probably not possible to do it.
Limit of healers is a bad idea, why do we need a limit if the number of healers on both teams is almost the same ?
Limit of healers is a bad idea, why do we need a limit if the number of healers on both teams is almost the same ?
Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds
last week or so I played a wsg we had 4 healers and the enemy team had 5. do I really have to tell you how stupid it was? a druid with 10 hots on him? we were gycamping them and it was one of the most stupid bgs ive ever seen. 1 healer per group is enough. anything more than 2-3 healers in wsg is like people in wheelchairs playing soccerApuclevercow wrote: Limit of healers is a bad idea, why do we need a limit if the number of healers on both teams is almost the same ?
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