A different kind of suggestion

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A different kind of suggestion

Post by Voodoomaniac »

Hello Smolderforge!

Months and years pass here on Smolderforge but the server still stands. It is a good PvP server with a small community but with excellent PvP if one asks me. The introduction of 70 daily heroics, new PvP zones and mogging/bonus items for honor and much more were exquisite ideas to make the server more enjoyable. I like to call this server my home.

However there will always be a demand for new things. But instead of walking down the level 70 path again, why not create a 60 bracket for PvP using the same system currently in place at level 70? Since the server is pretty much dedicated to PvP, why not build an entirely new bracket with a new form of PvP? I personally think the server can benefit from doing this.

A completely new bracket will attract attention from both new players and old. It won't be too difficult nor confusing to implement/script (as it will work exactly like the level 70 BGs, vendors, arena etc). It will offer new combinations of talents, items, dungeons and the option to pick between the classic level 70 PvP and 60 twink PvP.
Let's not also forget the popularity the server can obtain for being perhaps the only server offering 60 PvP with 2.4.3 talents.

Now I propose the bracket will be similar to the level 70 in terms of gear. With T1/T2 being offered from vendors, T2,5/AQ40 items for honor and T3/Naxxramas for either a great deal of honor/special made badges/arena rating (if this can be implemented). Everything should be available through donations (more money for the server via gear/more moggs).
A PvP zone for the 60s would also be a topic, I personally have a few to propose.

As for dungeons I propose a few of the level 60 high end dungeons (Stratholme, Scholomance, UBRS, LBRS, DM) gets scripted for dailies. There should be some kind of rewards for doing this.

There are of course many things to discuss with this idea. One thing I pondered was if the level 60 bracket would allow Outland/profession items and enchants or not. I am of the opinion that this must be settled by either the staff or via voting ingame from the players. However I am confident that this can be solved.

I know that this is a radical proposal Henhouse. I know that this means work for the staff. I know it will transform the server. I know that you too must feel aboard with this. But I believe this idea might open up more fun for all, a interesting PvP and more activity to Smolderforge. Please all, share your opinion for this idea. HH, staff or a friendly player - all of your voices are important to Smolderforge.

Sincerely yours
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Re: A different kind of suggestion

Post by Henhouse »

I actually brainstormed this idea pretty openly four years ago. I don't know if I talked on the forums about it, but I joked around on Skype and in-game with the idea for a while. I was pretty set on wanting to do it one time, though, I cannot remember why. I believe it's because I realized how much would go into preparing it. Once you start thinking about how much would have to be disabled, you realize how much you have to anticipate and if you miss something, it could go quite wrong.

The idea is pretty cool, I'll admit. I do know the PvE aspect of vanilla is very broken. Those scripts are the oldest and the most incomplete. I've expressed interest in scripting the PvE there before since the encounters are mostly simple and fun to do, but instances would prove to be more tedious.

It would be a good excuse for us to wipe Tier 1-3 and let players earn it over again for good transmog. My only concern now is, if I had this idea 4 years ago when we had 400 players online, now with less than half of that -- is it fesiable? TBC is very old and is seems funservers are not as popular anymore. People long for leveling experiences and the nostalgia of a community, not a recreated end-game experience. People who want vanilla content are playing Nostalrius right now. It would definitely have to be simply a "fun feature" of SF. But I wonder. If we already have complaints about queuing at level 70 alone, what's that say for 60?

Open to discussion, this isn't a "no" FYI. :)
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