Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work

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Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work

Post by Voodoomaniac »

What is the bug?
Martyrdoom talent does not work on Deadly Throw when used with PvP gloves.
What kind of bug is it? (Quest, Class, Spell, PvE)

How can you reproduce it?
Take a melee or ranged critical hit so Martyrdoom procs, then start a cast (I used Greater Heal) and let the rogue cast Deadly Throw with PvP gloves equipped.

Please describe, in detail, what is suppose to occur when this bug happens:
If this talent or the deadly throw ability worked as intended, Martydoom would resist the interrupt and the damage as they are linked. I tested this with a warrior who first got to crit me, then I started to cast and he used pummel. In the case my talent prevented his resist, it also prevented the damage caused by pummel. As Pummel and DT works the same way when rogues use their PvP gloves, the result should have been the same in the rogue scenario.

Please describe, in detail, what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning:
I am not exactly sure tbh. For I can't say I know the matter myself. But I can see two available scenarios.
1. If the interrupt effect is resisted, so shall the damage be (as the interrupt and the damage are linked together in one ability, although it becomes a matter of perception ability wise).
2. The interrupt effect is resisted, but the damage is still delivered.

Evidence providing proof of bug:
I made several attempts to find proof here which resulted in more than 50+ screenshots.
But on a quick information basis, the warrior's pummel was affected by Martyrdoom but the rogue's Deadly Throw was not. We attempted to get Martyrdoom to resist DT more than 30 times without any luck. Minding the chance is 20% (and it worked correctly vs the warrior in terms of proc rate) I think it is safe to say it does not work at all vs rogues.
I would be happy to help you test this Itslovelol.
Ps: In regards to the DT speed, I checked it up and there is a interrupt time, but it is on 0,1-0,2 depending on distance and server delay, so I guess both are technically right.

Edit: Changed title
Last edited by Voodoomaniac on 23 Mar 2015, 18:09, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 56

Re: Martyrdoom does not work on DT+PvP Gloves

Post by Voodoomaniac »

Edit: Damnit, Martyrdoom does not work vs counterspell either.
Second edit: Martyrdoom does not work vs Kick sigh.
Third edit: Does not work vs Earth Shock, I honestly think Martyrdoom is broken.
Please take note that the pushback immunity works.
Itslovelol, help the poor troll priests before we become extinct:(
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Re: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work

Post by Vicarious »

It could just be a chance thing. It's supposed to remove any casting time loss as it does and give a 20% chance to resist interrupt effects. Have you tried several times with one person perhaps? Maybe the warrior got the 20% when he pummeled but the other classes didn't.
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Re: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work

Post by Voodoomaniac »

Vicarious wrote:It could just be a chance thing. It's supposed to remove any casting time loss as it does and give a 20% chance to resist interrupt effects. Have you tried several times with one person perhaps? Maybe the warrior got the 20% when he pummeled but the other classes didn't.
On each scenario, the talent was tested 25 times. In the warrior scenario it procced 6/25 times which is around the intended %. In the other cases, it never happened.
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Re: Martyrdoom does not work on DT+PvP Gloves

Post by Ricekrispies »

Voodoomaniac wrote:Edit: Damnit, Martyrdoom does not work vs counterspell either.
Did you test it with unimproved Counterspell?
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
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Re: Martyrdoom does not work on DT+PvP Gloves

Post by Voodoomaniac »

Ricekrispies wrote:
Voodoomaniac wrote:Edit: Damnit, Martyrdoom does not work vs counterspell either.
Did you test it with unimproved Counterspell?
Without CS talentl, as I was aware of the 15% silence resist priest talent gives. Still, no dice on Martyrdoom.
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Re: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work

Post by Mayore »

It is working against kick (tested today) however not against deadly throw. Works against pummel and shield bash too. Didn't test the rest. The resists were low but still happend. And you don't lose the casting time.
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Re: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work

Post by Voodoomaniac »

Mayore wrote:It is working against kick (tested today) however not against deadly throw. Works against pummel and shield bash too. Didn't test the rest. The resists were low but still happend. And you don't lose the casting time.
Vs Kick I tested it 40 times, 0 procs. But I do take you word for that yours were resisted. However then it sounds like a case of "20% to resist pummel but 0,20% chance to resist Kick".
Like I said, all interrupts but Pummel and SB ignored the talent.
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Re: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work

Post by Mayore »

Well I only tested to first resist, took about 11 kicks to get it. The priest was specced into wand spec and martydoom only so I can't think of any other way to get the resist on it.
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Re: Martyrdoom interrupt resistance does not work

Post by Itslovelol »

It's working fine, printed out core roll values:
99% chance to hit without buff,
79% chance to hit with buff

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