Greetings Smolderforge Team,
First of all I would like to thank you for the wonderful server and for the daily work that you are putting in to provide us such a quality server.
I know that most of you GM are currently working to get rid of some PVE bugs. Namely, in BT. Furthermore, I am convinced that the SC idea was a really great, you are providing fresh content for the smoldeforge's PVE players which is a great thing.
Nevertheless, most of us would like to experience a way more challenging raid which will require to found a REAL and STABLE core group with experienced player. Therefore, I was wondering if you could implement a NEW RAID.
I am convinced that making a new raid with new mechanics isn't easy to do and requiere alot of work. It's why the i've got the idea to take and old VANILLA raid and scale it to level 70 raids.
You could, for instance implement sunwell gear in this instance. This raid will stimulate alot of player to do some PVE and therefore maybe welcoming new players.
As a matter of conclusion, a good a fairly difficult raid (Only a restricted part of the players could afford clearing this raid), with good rewards would be an awesome news for the PVE population of Smolderforge as for the PVP players.
[PVE] A new challenge ?
Re: [PVE] A new challenge ?
That was the same idea when SC went live. Now most of the players have the sunwell weapons. There's no more reason of running SC. No matter what raid will be open. Make sure there's rewards that worth fighting for.
Re: [PVE] A new challenge ?
Anneloes wrote:That was the same idea when SC went live. Now most of the players have the sunwell weapons. There's no more reason of running SC. No matter what raid will be open. Make sure there's rewards that worth fighting for.
We miss bunch of SWP gears, such as offparts. PVE tittles could be great to ... Mounts ... ect
Re: [PVE] A new challenge ?
I don't think there's any ganrantie if the gears will not get wiped AGAIN. The wiping of swp gears was based on comments of many verteran players (mostly PVPers) of the server. The result is simple. Gears wiped and many players left. QQ time gets longer and longer.Skarrx wrote:We miss bunch of SWP gears, such as offparts. PVE tittles could be great to ... Mounts ... ect
Now the same thing happens again. Like shield warding. When a veteran complain, Hen has to decide weither please them or leave it be. If a pvp players got killed in BG cause of swp gears. They wipe the gears. What about a pve geared that get killed by rogues in less than 5 sec in BG? If a rogue can't kill a healer cause of shieldwarding in BG. They "fix" it. So what's the next step? If a rogue can't kill a druid that's been able to run away in BG do they have to rewrite "transform skills" aswell?
The whole systeem/changes seems to be based on the opinion of the server pvp veterans. But the result is that the population of the server dropped. Now some of them keeps saying that this is an pvp server. Well, take a good look at BG. Are they all pvpers? No and most of them not. If u want it to be a pvp only server, think twice before BG might never start again.
If you look around at the forum, the same pps are talking most of the times. But the changes will affect all players on the server. It could be a good idea to invent different methods of communicating with the players than just the forum. For some reason like: that players don't like to "write" or whatever their reason could be.
Same like you, I would like to see some pve actions. But without proper rewards and the garantie of gear wiping. nah.. just forget about it. In fact, many changed thats been made are for the pvp aspect of the game. Why would he even care about pve?
Re: [PVE] A new challenge ?
How terrible of him to make the server better and more fair. You're right; only VETERANS hated SWP and wanted it removed. Comparing stats to abilities is retard since nobody's removing spells from classes and never will.Anneloes wrote:I don't think there's any ganrantie if the gears will not get wiped AGAIN. The wiping of swp gears was based on comments of many verteran players (mostly PVPers) of the server. The result is simple. Gears wiped and many players left. QQ time gets longer and longer.Skarrx wrote:We miss bunch of SWP gears, such as offparts. PVE tittles could be great to ... Mounts ... ect
Now the same thing happens again. Like shield warding. When a veteran complain, Hen has to decide weither please them or leave it be. If a pvp players got killed in BG cause of swp gears. They wipe the gears. What about a pve geared that get killed by rogues in less than 5 sec in BG? If a rogue can't kill a healer cause of shieldwarding in BG. They "fix" it. So what's the next step? If a rogue can't kill a druid that's been able to run away in BG do they have to rewrite "transform skills" aswell?
The whole systeem/changes seems to be based on the opinion of the server pvp veterans. But the result is that the population of the server dropped. Now some of them keeps saying that this is an pvp server. Well, take a good look at BG. Are they all pvpers? No and most of them not. If u want it to be a pvp only server, think twice before BG might never start again.
If you look around at the forum, the same pps are talking most of the times. But the changes will affect all players on the server. It could be a good idea to invent different methods of communicating with the players than just the forum. For some reason like: that players don't like to "write" or whatever their reason could be.
Same like you, I would like to see some pve actions. But without proper rewards and the garantie of gear wiping. nah.. just forget about it. In fact, many changed thats been made are for the pvp aspect of the game. Why would he even care about pve?
Apuclevercow wrote:The main question is, who is viacaris ?
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