Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

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Posts: 21

Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

Post by Horrorfever1 »

Greetings, Smolderforge

Some of you, atleast those that are somewhat of a veterans in this community likely know me, but then again the new guys don't. Nonetheless, you are likely to know me from my LFG spams, my sitting and chit chatting in Battlemasters or the Dueling Area, or perhaps you may have once or twice checked upon some of my forums works such as my Destruction Compendium. Nonetheless, those of you that know me, very well know that I have lately been permanently banned from this community due to variety of reasons, but mainly - toxicity.

I have oftenly tip-toed the rules, demaning explanations and clarifications of my punishmens just for the sake of the argument and pestering even though I was always fully aware what am I violating. However, I now see the errors of my ways and I would like to get a chance to correct them.

Now, finding myself banned from a while, I have actually been thinking to do this from a while, but some recenly unheld events that came to my knowledge have officialy persuaded me to do such, and on behalf of the previously said I would like to make the following statetements directed to certain members of the staff and the community. Here they are:

First of all, I would like to commendate you for succesefully running this community for quite some years now, during my time away from Smolderforge I have been roaming variety of servers including TBC onces and so forth, and I'll honestly say that Smolderforge is currently and has been so from a while - the best 2.4.3 private server you can get, anywhere and anytime, world wide. Secondly and on behalf of my bans, I would like to officialy apologise for openly targeting your Staff, disrespecting them, argueing with them and whatsoever on variety of ocassions, topics and so forth. It has came to my realisation that even though I may have disagreed with certain Staff members and their doings and approach towards certain actions and aspects of the game and the community, I am nobody to judge your personal choices in electing such staff members considering the fact that you have managed to keep this community alive and running succesefuly for so many years. In final, I would also like to apologise for oftenly making jokes and statements on the forums and ingame on how I do own 90% of this server becouse you are in an erotic relationship with my non-existing sister in real life. I would like to assure you that there was never any malicious intent behind such sayings of mine but merely a humorous one, however I now realise that even a good joke has some borders that shoudn't be crossed, and I have not only crossed such invisible borders multiplie times but went far beyond them. Please do take my apologies for such aswell, and I assure you that I will do the best of my capabilities in order not to have such an occassion happen again.

Not once, I have oftenly been praising you in the forums, ingame or anywhere and infront of anyone that may be related to this community in anyway. Praising you on how you are the best Game Master and actually doing your job as you are supponsed to do, even despite myself mostly being not well fond of the Staff. I have not only had fun chit-chatting with you and what-not but of all people you seemed to have been the person that have tolerated me the most, back in time. Lately, you have chosen to ignore me on skype and everywhere and all of that of course with good reasons considering my behaviour towards you, which made me realise that even if the person who was oftenly laughing at my stupid jokes decided no longer to have anything with me, then I surely have crossed too, too many lines. I would like to apologise for my behaviour not only overall but also towards you in particular and would also like to let you know that I still hold up to my opinion regarding your capabilities in moderating/administrating this community.

I am writing this to Staff overall, since I believe that there are far many too members of the Staff I have somewhat insulted or disrespected not only to remember them all but be able to express myself and my thoughts towards every single one in this thread, God knows - there may be a symbol limit. Overall, I would like to officialy apologise to all Staff members, nomather if you are one of the ones I have had "beef" with, disrespected and whatsoever. You guys are here, dedicating your real time volunteerely and without any payment in order to ensure that the community has one healthy and stable enviornment to have fun with, while I have mostly been one of these people that have done the best of his capabilities to corrupt and ruin such an enviornment and when any of you have tried to stop me, then you became enemy #1. I now realise the errors of my ways, I have been a Staff member on variety of communities, believe it or not - and I feel your pain, I don't blame you for anything and now that I think about it futher, I realise that I have been on your place I would have done absolutely the same in dealing with an individual such as myself. Please, excuse me and I assure you that such situations will not happen again.

I would like to apologise for all the senseless and shameless spamming, trolling, flaming, bashing, insulting, disrespecting, argueing and/or toying with your emotions in any ways. I have been oftenly joking but I also admit that oftenly being openly hostile and which I apologise for, I now see the errors of my ways and realise that in the end of the day we are all here to have fun and not kill ourselves via our monitors/laptops/whatever. I assure you that I will no longer be the Horrorfever you used to know but do my best to redeem myself as "Good guy Horror". I'm sorry.

With all the sincere apologies set in line, I would like to humbly request.. not a second chance, becouse a second chance is literally impossible considering the fact that I have 8 bans on my record (yes I tied Ruuren on bans by the way) - but for one /LAST CHANCE/ in order to give me a chance to redeem myself and the chance to live up to those paragraphs that I have listed above including the assurances that I have made in them.

With such a request I would like to ask for my original forum account Horrorfever to be unbanned. I have several more guides I'd like to write up in mind, and also my ingame account "Just4y" containing all my ingame characters unbanned aswell for ONE LAST TIME AND CHANCE.

In matter of truth,
Currently, I live in a hotel and hence have access to not one, not two, not three but five wireless networks with dynamic IP's, which in theory gives me the chance to make an ulimited number of emails and accounts bound to them in order to ban evade Smolderforge resulting one of the following options:
1) Ban evade, tell nobody it's me and just keep it low and well, still ban evade.
2) Ban evade, be the Horrorfever you used to know and continue raising all kind of hell and anytime I get banned I just come again 10 minutes afterwards untill the end of time.

Please, do not considering the above as a threat, but as a fact as like I said - in theory it is absolutely possible, but I am posting this thread in order to claim that I can be a BETTER PERSON than what I have presented myself to be in this community and I would like to get the chance to PROVE MYSELF as such. Now picking any of the two options presented above woudn't make me better in anyway.

In conclusion,
Even though I am fully capable of being myself once again if I am eager to be, I can be, however I would like to redeem myself in the eyes of the community and mainly the staff and would therefore require one last chance in order to be a part of this community, play in it, have fun doing so and whatsoever. I still have a couple of friends, even though most of them are long gone - that play here and I would very much like to once again play with them, please.

I would also appriciate if this thread doesn't get instantly deleted, this is a SRS THREAD!
Last edited by Horrorfever1 on 14 Mar 2015, 14:41, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 89

Re: Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

Post by Selitha »

Add a TL;DR version for the sake of all.
Posts: 49

Re: Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

Post by Nozaz »

> flatter and apologize to Henhouse
> ???
> get unbanned
Posts: 21

Re: Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

Post by Horrorfever1 »

Selitha wrote:Add a TL;DR version for the sake of all.
Posts: 80

Re: Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

Post by Buschwacka »

We all should pity him... And give em one last more chance.
Posts: 21

Re: Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

Post by Horrorfever1 »


Consider this topic a ban appeal, might want to move it to the Help & Reports if you consider this the wrong section, it fits both sections in my eyes.
Posts: 776

Re: Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

Post by Hartun »

Buschwacka wrote:We all should pity him... And give em one last more chance.

Ruuren too XD
Posts: 21

Re: Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

Post by Horrorfever1 »

I thought we were friends Hartun Q.Q
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Re: Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

Post by Grael »

Horrorfever1 wrote:Consider this topic a ban appeal, might want to move it to the Help & Reports if you consider this the wrong section, it fits both sections in my eyes.
I would move it to Trolling Attempt section if we had one.

Moved to Help, Issues & Reports section.
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Posts: 21

Re: Formal Apology & Merciful Plea

Post by Horrorfever1 »


Considering my past and record, such concerns of yours are fully understandable, however I assure you that for once in this community I am absolutely serious and hence would like to apologise for my prior, disgraceful behaviour towards many people and futher ask for one last chance in order to play here, have fun doing so and do it with the few friends I still have left in Smolderforge.

Thank you, nonetheless.

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