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Apuclevercow wrote:Many Hpals don't take Divine Illumination in order to get 2/3 skills on the T4 part of the Protection Talent Tree (40/21/0 like Hen said).
This is why like I said earlier, Hen should choose Holy Shock, which is always taken by healers, and another spell on the Protection Tree, which is also always taken by Hpals. Redoubt maybe ?
yes and in that case shockadins will be healers gg wp
You misunderstood something. Shockadins don't take protection talents.
I'm pretty sure Holy Shock (or Holy Guidance) + Redoubt would easily work to avoid shockadins as Healer.
Apuclevercow wrote:Many Hpals don't take Divine Illumination in order to get 2/3 skills on the T4 part of the Protection Talent Tree (40/21/0 like Hen said).
This is why like I said earlier, Hen should choose Holy Shock, which is always taken by healers, and another spell on the Protection Tree, which is also always taken by Hpals. Redoubt maybe ?
yes and in that case shockadins will be healers gg wp
You misunderstood something. Shockadins don't take protection talents.
I'm pretty sure Holy Shock (or Holy Guidance) + Redoubt would easily work to avoid shockadins as Healer.
Sounds good, here's what I did to classify Paladin's as healers:
Has the talents Holy Guidance and Redoubt OR has Holy Shock & Holy Guidance BUT DOES NOT HAVE Sanctity Aura. Does the logic seem okay on this?
For clarity I can make as soon as you queue a small yellow text pop up that simply says "Queued as Healing" or "Queued as DPS" each time. Wouldn't be hard, and may be helpful -- thoughts?
Edit: It was actually suggested to have it next to the queue on the NPC to say like "Queue 3v3 Solo [Rated] (Healer) or (DPS). I think I'll do that.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
It seems to be good for Hpal. Anyway you'll need feedbacks of players on this to see if there are more specific issues.
Perhaps you can put ingame a thing like you do for polls, in order to easily receive opinions about the solo queue system when you'll release it.
Henhouse wrote:This feature is now live. Thanks for everyone's feedback!
this feature is live and it's fucking awesome!
thank you so much. this is so much fun, i hope you only expand upon this feature because this 3v3 action is beautiful.
Henhouse wrote:This feature is now live. Thanks for everyone's feedback!
this feature is live and it's fucking awesome!
thank you so much. this is so much fun, i hope you only expand upon this feature because this 3v3 action is beautiful.
- not sure if it gives arena points, but it should so even "bg-oriented" players try it out and make it an even more activ bracket
- maybe make it so 2 of the same classes can't be grouped together? there are combs that can still work with 2 of a class, especially if they're different spec, but i got grouped up as spriest/spriest/disc yesterday a couple of times which doesn't really work at all.
- also i think the "draw" option when someone doesn't join isn't working correctly, because either team is gaining/losing around 15 points, and it happened a couple of times yesterday so i don't think the mmr difference was that high.
but other than that, i have to agree that the feature is pretty awesome, having tons of fun, and maybe this is the first step towards implementing real 3vs3 again. (one can dream, right?)
Vicarious wrote:Hen I was queued against a triple DPS team yesterday, the paladin was Ret and I'm guessing that was the problem, is the check for holy working?
I posted a sshot of that in reports section :D and it happened more than 3 times, also i think that i was with a rogue, and a prot paladin several times..(im ele)
Well can a feature be implemented that doesn't allow two classes with same specs to be in a same team? it happens often where a resto druid ( or any other healer ) is in a team with two BM hunters ( or any other two same speced classes).