@the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

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Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Just4y wrote:It's not custom, it shouldn't be removed, fuck ya'll.

BG Balance? Do you people even listen to yourselves?

Fuck your explanation too OP, it's retarded as well.
Sorry, I have to side with the peasants on this one. PvP is borked enough even after the patch, going back to that cesspool we had before better not even be an option.

It was destroying the server, and we were constantly losing players. What did you expect? That's MONEY LOSS BRO!! Anyone in business for themselves should see that as an indicator to make appropriate changes. While this wasn't a flawless method, it was better than doing absolutely nothing.

Personally, I would not have made any Hyjal/BT gear available. Why do we even need it? We wipe on 5 mans ffs. We can barely run (or in more cases, utterly fail) in Karazhan, even when the entire raid was t6/swp. Yes, t4 content. Please remind me why we even deserve end game PvE gear, when we simply can't pve.
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Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Balls »

Care to elaborate a little or are you just throwing that word around? Just go away.

Last edited by Balls on 16 Aug 2014, 14:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Vicarious »

Just4y wrote:It's not custom, it shoudn't be removed, fuck ya'll.

BG Balance? Do you people even listen to yourselves?

Fuck your explanation too OP, it's retarded aswell.
It might as well be custom, the stats are fucking retarded. Can't believe you're even trying to deny that, 2k AP should be a goal for an s4 rogue. Sunwell can surpass 2.8, plus shitloads of haste and armor pen upwards of 1400. What the fuck is balanced about that?
Apuclevercow wrote:The main question is, who is viacaris ?
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Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Robotking »

Zapcraclepop wrote: It was destroying the server, and we were constantly losing players.
wrong! we have less active people NOW. the "change" was the wrong way.

server goes offline next year

rip smolder (lol poor fak)
Posts: 971

Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Robotking wrote:
Zapcraclepop wrote: It was destroying the server, and we were constantly losing players.
wrong! we have less active people NOW. the "change" was the wrong way.

server goes offline next year

rip smolder (lol poor fak)
People have been saying this for years, and they're always wrong. Players just need to adapt from how retarded it was before to the new system. Not to say that this was the best method, I never said it was. But it was better than leaving it as it was. Furthermore, of all the people complaining over its removal, not once did they provide an alternate plan that would have had a positive impact. If you have a better idea, let's hear it. After, of course, you flame me. ;)

The only part of this patch that was wrong, was reintroducing end game PvE gear to the donor mall. The smart thing, would have been having us stuck with T5 gear from NPC. Forcing players to earn t6 from raiding, since people complain there's no incentives for PvE. Although, that's probably a dead-end since Karazhan is the skill ceiling here. Which lends the question: "How soon, before people ask Karazhan to be coded to drop t6?"
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Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Horrorfever »

*coughs* no resi *coughs*

It seems that everyone that supports the wipe does not have a valid reason but is rather butthurt from rogues and haste ele's and boomkins in BG's.

Totally a legit reason to wipe ^
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Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Vicarious »

No resil doesn't matter for classes that have enough cc that they don't take damage. Sure it's easy to kill a zero resil elemental shaman but what about a moon kin casting practically instant cyclones and cat forming away, or rogues with two sprints, two evasions, cloak of shadows, and two vanishes, or mages who can kite for years because their frostbolts are insanely fast. It's fair if somebody sacrifices their resil for mass attack power, but it isn't the same with sun well as they're gaining a lot more than just attack power or spell damage.
Apuclevercow wrote:The main question is, who is viacaris ?
Posts: 1276

Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Balls »

Just4y wrote:*coughs* no resi *coughs*

It seems that everyone that supports the wipe does not have a valid reason but is rather butthurt from rogues and haste ele's and boomkins in BG's.

Totally a legit reason to wipe ^
You provide a very narrow perspective. That's why you're retarded.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
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