Sorry, I have to side with the peasants on this one. PvP is borked enough even after the patch, going back to that cesspool we had before better not even be an option.Just4y wrote:It's not custom, it shouldn't be removed, fuck ya'll.
BG Balance? Do you people even listen to yourselves?
Fuck your explanation too OP, it's retarded as well.
It was destroying the server, and we were constantly losing players. What did you expect? That's MONEY LOSS BRO!! Anyone in business for themselves should see that as an indicator to make appropriate changes. While this wasn't a flawless method, it was better than doing absolutely nothing.
Personally, I would not have made any Hyjal/BT gear available. Why do we even need it? We wipe on 5 mans ffs. We can barely run (or in more cases, utterly fail) in Karazhan, even when the entire raid was t6/swp. Yes, t4 content. Please remind me why we even deserve end game PvE gear, when we simply can't pve.