@the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

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@the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Balls »

Before I start, I'd like to say that I really don't give much of a damn, nor I am butthurt and I am completely aware that this post is extremely unlikely to change anything, BUT...

Why wipe SWP? Don't sell me that "to balance PvP crap"

It's World of Warcraft, PvP between different classes has always been like rock, papers & scissors ( anti-classes/counters ).

I would fully understand such a wipe if SWP was custom server gear giving certain benefits and extremely boosting stats making certain classes OP, but it's not.

SWP is part of the game, it's part of 2.4.3, it's the jewel of 2.4.3. Why wipe it? Wiping SWP equals to wiping S4 or even specific talents and proffesions (can't profession ruin PvP too? You know the potion tryhards)

It makes no damn sense, speaking of balancing.. SWP gave you better stats and boost for the price of resi - it was a fair trade.

Pardon me if I sound rude, but the wiping of the gear alone is purely retarded and the reason why it was wiped on the first place was even more retarded.

Now, I WOULD FULLY UNDERSTAND, if you wiped it out of the donor mall - since you are considered to donate for S4, but you get SWP too - that would be fair. Then you could offer people to donate aditionally for SWP items and also get the chance to raid for them. Wiping it completely? This is the biggest bullshit.

^ Consider my last paragraph a suggestion

So, like the subject says, give me a -valid- reason.
Neither of these replies are valid reasons to me.

Nor did SWP make certain classes OP.

If people wihne from haste boomkins and ele shamans, then they are fucking retards.

As a Warlock personally - just CoT the fuck and what does he have? (See, we are back to rock paper scissors thing - SWp doesn't matter)
Your posts were pretty much just a temper tantrum rant and you're demanding explanations that are provided already. If you're not satisfied with them, guess what? Nobody gives a shit. You sound like an entitled piece of shit, and while many others simply adapted, you are somehow refusing on what grounds exactly? It's not their problem that you don't find their reasoning good enough, because you're not in charge of anything.

On top of what has already been explained to you I'd like to say that SWP gear was a legitimate concern. SWP isn't the jewel of 2.4.3. In fact, SWP gear wasn't even supposed to happen in this expansion. It's too good for this expansion. It scales too well for this expansion. I guess if you really tried, you could argue the same about S4, but it's simply not the same. Only strong part about S4 really are the melee weapons and through that, melee classes, who scale really well with ArP, stats and high-end weapon damage. You are saying that giving up resilience is a fair trade in order to get SWP stats, but you're arguing a moot point. TBC is indeed Rock, Paper, Scissors for the most part, but messing with the meta by literally everyone having end-game gear that scales too well turns it into a clusterfuck. Some classes scale too well, some don't. Casters are arguably the stronger part on that end.

Get with it, or get out.
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 776

Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Hartun »

It's kinda sad that there are still people that want swp back..
Posts: 22

Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Active »

Hartun wrote:It's kinda sad that there are still people that want swp back..
It's not that sad xD
Posts: 1276

Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Balls »

I'm just saying if your biggest problem is having to play with different pixels you are fucking retard
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 8

Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by wambologee »

Today I joined a random bg with 3-4 known hordes (1 cow healer) vs the usual turd premade (ezatt rolled 6 druids+2 shams) in eots.

Thing is, we won and we had like 40 hks versus 50 ally hks.

I can't think of any better example why the removal of swp was just really legitimate and nice.

Noggenfogger wrath/bolt spam turds are still strong but just so much more balanced.
Posts: 223

Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Vicarious »

This has to be troll, how is SWP the "gem" of Burning Crusade? It's Wrath gear honestly. Endless haste and arp, those offstats add up and scale wayyyyy too much in this expac, forgetting the dumb amount of AP rogues and Ferals had, and the dumb amount of spell damage the turret classes had. Nobody in retail had any more than 4 of these pieces and that was maybe one person per server, so don't pretend Blizzard intended for everybody to have maximum best in slot, that almost never ever happened back in those days.
Apuclevercow wrote:The main question is, who is viacaris ?
Posts: 1276

Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Balls »

this guy gets it. problem is, most these people didn't play retail back then or understood very little of it (and still do...)
Balls, Cube, Deems, Google [Bot]
Posts: 971

Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Zapcraclepop »

wambologee wrote:Today I joined a random bg with 3-4 known hordes (1 cow healer) vs the usual turd premade (ezatt rolled 6 druids+2 shams) in eots.
Thing is, we won and we had like 40 hks versus 50 ally hks.
I can't think of any better example why the removal of swp was just really legitimate and nice.
Noggenfogger wrath/bolt spam turds are still strong but just so much more balanced.
wambologee wrote:Today I joined a random bg with 3-4 known hordes (1 cow healer) vs the usual turd premade (ezatt rolled 6 druids+2 shams) in eots.
That's the norm, nowadays though. You can easily get balance druids with the same level of haste they had before the patch. Except now they have the pvp set bonus aiding them as well. I did a bit of playing around with the available gear, and hyjal crafts on my own druid. You can easily get 1.0 wraths, as well as ~22 - 25% crit while still pushing 3k wraths and 5k starfires. Why *wouldn't* people roll 6 of those?

Ezatt isn't the only one, employing this tactic. He is at best, the first who tried it out. But others will follow.

I'm glad you won, Whambo. :) However, that's only because nobody here believes in using Vent. If that was coordinated, you probably would have been bent over a barrel, watching as they fished for brown trout. Thankfully, coordination seems to be a disease that we as a community, got vaccinated for.
Posts: 8

Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by wambologee »

Vicarious wrote:Nobody in retail had any more than 4 of these pieces and that was maybe one person per server, so don't pretend Blizzard intended for everybody to have maximum best in slot, that almost never ever happened back in those days.
Actually on my server we had at least 100 BiS geared players in the 2.4.3 patches. On my realmpool bloodlust eu the best guilds faced each other in real competitive bgs and everyone had the best gear. Here you don't get bgs of that quality so it doesn't really matter that much but we have many players with lack of wisdom like at least 20-30% random players have never played this game that's why swp gear and noggenfogger elixir are kinda overpowered in the hands of mentally challenged gypsy.
Zapcraclepop wrote:You can easily get 1.0 wraths, as well as ~22 - 25% crit while still pushing 3k wraths and 5k starfires.
Ezatt (...) is at best, the first who tried it out. But others will follow.
You are right bro but I've just seen Ezatt and the regular random nelf druids/goat shamans struggle so hard without swp gear so it's kind of a victory for bg balance. It's not a big change indeed, I mean, I only got 4 items deleted from my pvpset on my mage so I guess I can still do 8-10k pom pyro crits but the swp gear made haste way too accessible for randoms.
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Re: @the author of "Give me a -VALID- reason"

Post by Horrorfever »

It's not custom, it shoudn't be removed, fuck ya'll.

BG Balance? Do you people even listen to yourselves?

Fuck your explanation too OP, it's retarded aswell.
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