Unfair advantage in BGs

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Re: Unfair advantage in BGs

Post by Apuclevercow »

Zapcraclepop wrote:They said bear, which likely was panda... Not the rat.

Man, you guys don't even bother reading anymore, too much effort. smh.
Actually he's talking about noggenfogger and deviant fish buffs which make you smaller, and also about furbolg's morph, which is really a bear-humanoid, unlike the rat that you are.
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Re: Unfair advantage in BGs

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Apuclevercow wrote:
Zapcraclepop wrote:They said bear, which likely was panda... Not the rat.

Man, you guys don't even bother reading anymore, too much effort. smh.
Actually he's talking about noggenfogger and deviant fish buffs which make you smaller, and also about furbolg's morph, which is really a bear-humanoid, unlike the rat that you are.
I've seen Pandas in BGs far more often than furbolg forms, or rats. One such case, a GM was laying around at BG area as a large panda turning everyone around him into one.
Lastly, you do realize the manner in which you used it, would suggest I nark on people, right? But we all know who does that, don't we? ;)

I don't 'rat' on people, you do that. I just 'abuse' everything, keen difference here.
Try harder though stupidcow, false king of Mulgore. Maybe ask Mayore on advice in trolling, He's good at spouting bullshit. While you are by yourself, just bullshit.
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Re: Unfair advantage in BGs

Post by Apuclevercow »

Zapcraclepop wrote:I've seen Pandas in BGs far more often than furbolg forms, or rats.
Zapcraclepop wrote:^ just bullshit.
Posts: 971

Re: Unfair advantage in BGs

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Hah! You're incapable of presenting anything else outside altering an existing post. I'd say that's my victory, stupidcow.

Again, please ask Mayore to show you how it's done.
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Re: Unfair advantage in BGs

Post by Mayore »

stfu zapgarglecock we all know that u used to cap bases from ur GM
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Re: Unfair advantage in BGs

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Mayore wrote:stfu zapgarglecock we all know that u used to cap bases from ur GM
Sure did... Every single BG I entered too. You missed where I even .fly my toons so I wouldn't have to use rocket boots and cloak. And .kill anything that targeted me. Umad? You forgot to mention all the third party programs I run all the time also. Don't forget that!

Also, you don't have sufficient authority to tell or even ask me to shut up. Unless a staffy comes up here and asks me to, you're shit outta luck. Too bad. Please keep trying to troll me.

As always, you're good for a laugh.
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Re: Unfair advantage in BGs

Post by Apuclevercow »

You must be completely mentally challenged Zap not to understand that this guy isn't talking about panda morph as he said that he's new. This happened once, while Furbolg morph and the deviant fish/noggenfogger use are the routine.
Zapcraclepop wrote:you guys don't even bother reading anymore, too much effort. smh.
Bullshit again, as we can see, you don't even bother reading too. I'm not saying "anymore" because you never read anyone's post besides yours after writing down them, probably thinking that you're a new Jesus of the holy forums.
Can you please shut up and stop going totally off-topic on such thread fucking ratcraclepop ?
Posts: 971

Re: Unfair advantage in BGs

Post by Zapcraclepop »

First of all, I've seen much more (unless more people did that chain over the past 2 weeks) pandas from GMs that do NOT remove costumes from players partaking in BGs. Post-Terezi era, mind you.

Secondly, are you trying to be a Mayore clone and hop on whatever I write? You're getting so boring. If you're going to make it a mission to troll me, AT LEAST BE GOOD AT IT. You're not, leave it to the professionals. Or take the advice I offered earlier, and ask Mayore to show you how.

Tell ya what, if the topic shift is so troubling, get me banned. :) Strive for it, because you'll never be rid of me otherwise. Umad? Too bad.
Last edited by Zapcraclepop on 16 Aug 2014, 07:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unfair advantage in BGs

Post by Apuclevercow »

Apuclevercow wrote:Can you please shut up and stop going totally off-topic on such thread fucking ratcraclepop ?
I'm not even trying to troll you, if this can show you how mentally challenged you are.
Posts: 971

Re: Unfair advantage in BGs

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Apuclevercow wrote:
Apuclevercow wrote:Can you please shut up and stop going totally off-topic on such thread fucking ratcraclepop ?
I'm not even trying to troll you, if this can show you how mentally challenged you are.
Nope, gonna still go with it. This was a fairly defunct thread anyway, so QQ.

Distorting an already distorted name, and you're not trolling. Ok. lol... Next effort please.
You keep responding, which as long as you do, so will I. If you don't like it, don't fucking talk to me or reply to what I write.
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