Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Haxovale »

I was sarcastic :O)
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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Henhouse »

An update on the legendary transmog: We've pushed it back again slightly as we're reconsidering redesigning several of the items. I personally, as well as a few other GMs feel some of the items are not very "legendary" in some regard and will be overlooked and, likely, never purchased as players seek item models that stand out more. Due to this we're looking into using a lot of models in the game on unofficial items. Item models such as Maiev's weapon, Magtheridon's spear, etc. I apologize for the delay on this feature, but we really want it to be good, rather than rushed.
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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Imperium »

Henhouse wrote:An update on the legendary transmog: We've pushed it back again slightly as we're reconsidering redesigning several of the items. I personally, as well as a few other GMs feel some of the items are not very "legendary" in some regard and will be overlooked and, likely, never purchased as players seek item models that stand out more. Due to this we're looking into using a lot of models in the game on unofficial items. Item models such as Maiev's weapon, Magtheridon's spear, etc. I apologize for the delay on this feature, but we really want it to be good, rather than rushed.

While I love the idea of more unique weapons, I despise unofficial models.

Maiev's blade-ring is badass and so is the Mag spear, but I just feel they're out of place, but then again so is having a custom Sulfuras with lvl 70 stats.

I gripe about this every chance I get, but I hate custom items in general. While I would consider it a good addition in order to build playerbase/reward system, my personal feelings on it think it removes from the quality of the game.

Once again, this is just my personal opinion.
Posts: 192

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Abwyz »

Henhouse wrote:Due to this we're looking into using a lot of models in the game on unofficial items. Item models such as Maiev's weapon, Magtheridon's spear, etc. I apologize for the delay on this feature, but we really want it to be good, rather than rushed.
Maiev weapon would be epic Fist transmog indeed, great idea.
Posts: 1360

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Mynce »

Quel'serar plz :$
Peace and serenity : ... f=4&t=8012

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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Gregoriano »

Finally, great move, I'm feeling like playing melee again lol...
Posts: 124

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Deceitx »

Lolwat, best thing - but why did this update take like 5 years? :cc
Posts: 304

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Outskilled »

Mynce wrote:Quel'serar plz :$
Only been waiting since 2012 for the quest to get fixed when we tried to do it, the time is among us!
Posts: 60

Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by fiyah »

Now that gear is removed, and around 45% of SF population with it, will there be any new custom raids?
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Re: Summer Updates (Gear change, Hyjal, Legendary Transmog, ...)

Post by Infusion »

Annnd another retarded comment from you. Please explain how did SF lose 45% of its population? Like, do the maths for me.
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