Why don't people do more unique specs?

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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Imperium »

Akeno wrote:
Imperium wrote: sorry man, people don't like learning hard things when the easier thing does it better
Sadly this goes for real life too.
but it's making sense

you guys are choosing

the HARD path where the SAME thing gets done

why not choose

the EASY path where the SAME thing gets done?

Work smarter. Not harder.
Posts: 44

Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by castor »

Just because a spec is different and underperforming doesnt mean it takes a lot of skill to play it or that is has a high skillcap.
Posts: 2058

Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Imperium »

castor wrote:Just because a spec is different and underperforming doesnt mean it takes a lot of skill to play it or that is has a high skillcap.

True, but you just stated my point.

If a spec is underwhelming, why play it?

It's not fun when you lose to the better spec, so why play a shittier version of it?
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Grimjoe »

Who said it's a different version of a spec, who said it wasn't a completely different one.

This isn't Cata or MoP where certain things are restricted *to* being cookie cutter. It's not like these specs DON'T work, or AREN'T fun. It's just people like you prefer to take the "easy" route, which is boring.
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by ZatYo »

try arena for something new guys ^_^
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Grimjoe »

Completely off topic.
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by ZatYo »

it is not because arena is the only place u can find versitility nowadays in tbc... firstly, for most of you arena will be a completely new experience so even with ur main class and spec you'll have to play a lot differently. Secondly, in arena you dont only have to learn a spec but a comb as well, so there's a variety of different playstyles you can learn even with only 1 spec. And finally, even now after so much years of tbc you can try stuff that hasn't been tried yet, like winning a season with rsham/mage or sp/ds, there's potential in some combs which nobody considers to play.
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Break »

Grimjoe wrote:I experiment with new specs every single day and I manage to be successful with just about every one
Successful where? Beating some bad players which any decent player could beat even without any talent point spent? Get rank 1 with a shitty spec/comp and you can call yourself successful.
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Grimjoe »

When people like Mayore can get rank 1, arenas aren't exactly proof either.
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Balls »

LEL shots fucking fired
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