Why don't people do more unique specs?

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Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Grimjoe »

All I see is people doing run of the mill cookie-cutter nonsense, TBC was amazing because you had so much variety in what you could do when it came to hybrid specs.
Rogues had HArP (Hemo/Adrenaline Rush/Prep), All kinds of Cold Blood/Vigor/Seal Fate hybrids (31/3/27, 34/3/24, 21/3/37)

Mages had literally any kind of elemental spec they could think of; 0/28/33, 21/0/40, 0/41/20 etc.

Priests could make disc/holy variants for smite (which is REDICULOUS if you do it right)

Warriors, 2h fury, dual wield arms, shield slam etc.

Hunters had fucking survival, period.

Warlocks, well, they're warlocks...

The list goes on, yet all you see is the same run of the mill specs. Nothing really unique save for a few brave souls who dare break the meta. What happened to the creativity people used to have?
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Apuclevercow »

wow bc. meta done.
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Rottingham »

People want to farm hks, to do that, you gotta deal the most damage possible. Simple as that.

Most of the specs you posted either got nerfed to death (Harp) or are simply not that great.
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Grimjoe »

It's not about it being great, it's about it being unique, and fun, and still effective

Harp still works perfectly fine, I've used all of the specs I listed and then some, I experiment with new specs every single day and I manage to be successful with just about every one (To some extent, mutilate without going into combat is a no no)
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Cube »

Grimjoe wrote:It's not about it being great, it's about it being unique, and fun, and still effective

Harp still works perfectly fine, I've used all of the specs I listed and then some, I experiment with new specs every single day and I manage to be successful with just about every one (To some extent, mutilate without going into combat is a no no)
That would be the key. Most of the specs works, but when you start comparing them to the cookie cutters, they're generally not good. Harp works, but sucks compared to sub. Elemental works, but sucks compared to frost.

And there's nothing unique about it. Thousands of people have already played said specs. Playing harp, or seal-fate crit, or fire-shatter, or dual-wield arms, or any other niche spec isn't being creative at all. Creativity would be to come up with something new, and that won't happen.

Taking newbies out of the equation, retail was the same. Most people going into pvp with some base understanding of how things worked rolled with cookie-cutter specs. And said newbies wouldn't count, since they'd just put random points out in shit talents without any synergy. Sure, there were people playing other specs as well, but the same goes here. Main difference being that the population here is low.

And last, muti without going deep combat works just fine.
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Grimjoe »

I tried muti without deep combat and the damage is lower, it's not impossible just, a pain in the ass xD
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Imperium »

When TBC first released it was about diversity and finding the best spec for your role.

TBC is an incredibly old expansion now, and everyone has tried everything with their class.

If they haven't, someone has.

The point is, everything has been done and only a few good specs remain, because nothing else beats them.

Now if this were a new game, people would try different things.

But why try different things when you know there's something better?
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Grimjoe »

Why not try something different, something challenging? It's boring running cookie-cutter, and it's proven it can work. It just takes skill. Obviously something a lot of people lack judging by the sheer number of ShS rogues :I
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Imperium »

Grimjoe wrote:Why not try something different, something challenging? It's boring running cookie-cutter, and it's proven it can work. It just takes skill. Obviously something a lot of people lack judging by the sheer number of ShS rogues :I
in terms of options and compositions to run in say, 2v2, a sub rogue will always have more partner options than a mutilate rogue.

sub is more forgiving, if you made a mistake, reset your cooldowns and try again.

you're right about learning to be good with it, but sometimes it's just not better because it lacks the tools the other spec has.

like me. I don't play anything but enhancement shaman.

is resto better? definitely.

am i good? no

should i switch? yes

I am the prime example of the """unique""" player by choosing a dead-end spec.

with resto i might actually be able to place in arena, instead I choose enhancement and rng.

sorry man, people don't like learning hard things when the easier thing does it better
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Re: Why don't people do more unique specs?

Post by Akeno »

Imperium wrote: sorry man, people don't like learning hard things when the easier thing does it better
Sadly this goes for real life too.

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