Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

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Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

Post by Henhouse »

Starting with season 21 we are establishing a new set of strict rules and criteria that apply to finalists at the end of an arena season. Please review them carefully.

New placement and rewards:
  • 1st Place: Vengeful Gladiator title, Vengeful Drake mount (free mall flying included), Spectral Tiger mount, Vengeful Gladiator tabard
  • 2nd Place: Merciless Gladiator title, Merciless Drake mount (free mall flying included), Spectral Tiger mount, Merciless Gladiator tabard
  • 3rd Place: Gladiator title, Nether Drake mount (free mall flying included), Spectral Tiger mount, Gladiator tabard
  • 4th Place: Duelist title
  • 5th Place: Rival title
  • 6th - 10th Place: Challenger title
Expiration of rewards:
  • After the end of the following season, titles will be stripped from the players. However, this changes for the top 3 ranks. If you placed within the top 3 (glads) you will retain your title and mount rewards for an additional season afterward. This allows the top finalists to hold onto their achievements slightly longer than those who placed below them. If you place next season at the same or higher rank, the expiration restarts from that point on.
  • The reason for this change in policy is due to the insane amount of title and mount build-up over the years. These titles and mounts went from being super exclusive, to quite common. Additionally, the selling of accounts because of their rewards is something we have wanted to address for some time.
  • Starting with season 21, all arena titles and arena mounts will be removed.
New rewards criteria:
  • A team must have over 50 played games for the entire season
  • The minimum rating requirement for a team to receive the top 3 places is 2000
  • Each player in the team must have participated in a minimum of 30% of all of the team's played games for that season to receive rewards
  • Players must be within 100 personal rating of the team rating to receive rewards, but only if their personal or team rating is below 2000.
  • Ranks 1-3 cannot have tied teams at the same rating. If two teams are tied, placement is determined then by the overall win percentage for the team.
Policy changes on rule violations:
  • Players found in violation of wintrading will have their team, along with themselves permanently disqualified for the remainder of the season and their accounts suspended for the season's duration. Their team will be disbanded by the administration. If the player is caught playing on another team, his or her account will be permanently closed.
  • This rule applies to other's accounts. If you are caught playing on someone else's account after being disqualified for that season, that account will be suspended for the entire season, and the player's main account will be permanently closed, regardless of whose account they were playing on.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

Post by Thenewmeta »

Nice posting this 2 days b4 season ended hahahhahaahah
Posts: 49

Re: Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

Post by Nozaz »

Thenewmeta wrote:Nice posting this 2 days b4 season ended hahahhahaahah
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Re: Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

Post by Sprintex »

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Re: Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

Post by Apuclevercow »

Great job Hen. :)
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Re: Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

Post by ZatYo »

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Re: Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

Post by ZatYo »

i didnt play 1 season and it degraded into an utter abomination woop woop swag
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Re: Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

Post by Firstaidkit »

While you're at it remove SWP gear too.
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
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Re: Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

Post by Discyo »

Kez <3
Posts: 7

Re: Major changes to arena regarding season 20 and on

Post by Sprintex »

Discyo wrote:Kez <3
ey basti


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