Coif of Alleria

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Coif of Alleria

Post by Todefy »

Why isn't this in donor mall? Just wondering cos all the other helms are
Posts: 776

Re: Coif of Alleria

Post by Hartun »

Todefy wrote:Why isn't this in donor mall? Just wondering cos all the other helms are
Not all of them tho i can say that enh shaman/hunter items are lacking in comparison to other classes.
Posts: 17
Location: Sunwell Plateu

Re: Coif of Alleria

Post by derivator »

My PVE hunter really needs 2 more items to be fully geared ([Coif of Alleria] and [Vicious Hawkstrider Hauberk]) so I bought donor ship, and I realized that none of these can be purschased in the Donor Mall (opposing to the items of other classes). :(

I have done SC around 100 times (not joking), but I just couldn't take it, I'm starting to get really tired of it. Could you please just add it like other items?
Posts: 776

Re: Coif of Alleria

Post by Hartun »

derivator wrote:My PVE hunter really needs 2 more items to be fully geared ([Coif of Alleria] and [Vicious Hawkstrider Hauberk]) so I bought donor ship, and I realized that none of these can be purschased in the Donor Mall (opposing to the items of other classes). :(

I have done SC around 100 times (not joking), but I just couldn't take it, I'm starting to get really tired of it. Could you please just add it like other items?
Well i think that there's a good and a bad side of this. The good side is that everyone will get those items relatively easily ( im talking about enh shaman/ hunter items, cloth items for dps, warrior items ) the bad side is that everyone that donates wont go in SC anymore cos they will have all of the items that they "need". I forgot the weapons..
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Re: Coif of Alleria

Post by Apuclevercow »

Henhouse is trying to remove the SWP gears "addiction". I don't think that it'll be added.
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