Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

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Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Post by skizuki »

The past few days i've been trying to evaluate the armor of each of the bosses in scarlet citadel and wanted to share my results. I'm pretty much an amateur when it comes to theorycrafting so if you have any errors to point out please do so I'd appreciate it.

To find out the bosses armor i used a Worn Mace with 1-3 damage to narrow down the damage range as much as possible since i was trying to accomplish most of it solo as a rogue and could not survive long enough to get decent statistical values otherwise.

I ended up with a 300-303 damage range listed in my charactersheet which turned out to do an average 301 damage on 0 armor pvp targets. Surprisingly for me these values differed from the combat dummy's and /or critters' which i believed had 0 armor too but received an average 300 damage. If anyone knows if PvP damage reduction from armor is different from the PvE one please let me know so i can correct the (marginal) error. For now i'll just assume that both critters and dummys have a tiny amount of armor and use the PvP values.

I ended up with these average white hits:

1st Boss 177,5
2nd Boss 187,5
3rd Boss 178,5 (1st wave) 211 (2nd wave) 183 (3rd wave)
4th Boss 211

I estimated the %damage reduction by dividing those values by 301; multyplying them by (-1) and adding 1
As an example the 1st Boss:
177,5/301*(-1)+1 which turned out as 0,41029900332225913621262458471761 damage reduction

I used the following formula to find out the armor value assuming i have the correct % reduction
%Reduction = (Armor / ([467.5 * Enemy_Level] + Armor - 22167.5)) * 100
which i rearranged to
G6 being the dmg reduction in the form calculated before

Inb4 tl;dr so i'll come to an end here.

These were the armor values i calculated for each boss /wave:

1st Boss 8321
2nd Boss 7240
3rd Boss 8208 (1st wave) 5101 (2nd wave) 7712 (3rd wave)
4th Boss 5101

All testing was done with an odd survivability roguetankspec with 0/2 Murder and 0/3 Serrated Blades talents and 2205 AP, 0 Arp from gear aswell as unbuffed
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Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Post by Henhouse »

Originally all the bosses were 6400 armor value until around December or January when we added a lot of spell resistance to the bosses, and lowered their armor values.

The armor values stand as follows:

Fordring: 4500
Vortred: 6400 (due to it's intention as a caster-oriented fight)
Council boss:
- First wave: 4500
- Second wave: 3000, 4500
Mograine: 4500

There are a bit of revisions I would like to make to SC. The encounters should be tweaked in some aspects, as well as spell resistances probably brought down again slightly. I want SC to not favor one particular type of class sets over another. We're accomplishing this currently with the resistance and armor changes, but I think more tactical things could be programmed into their scripts possible. I will have time in 2 weeks when I finish this year of University and return home. I'll mainly be focusing on other things, but SC is something I would like to revisit some.
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Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Post by skizuki »

wow im far off
can anyone tell me why? as i said i dont really theorycraft or have any further knowledge but doing it the way i did made alot of sense to me :\
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Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Post by Apuclevercow »

Where did you find these equations ?
About the damage reductions, a simple 1 - a / b (instead of a / b * -1 + 1) is enough.

Btw, it also depends on armor pen.
Posts: 16

Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Post by skizuki »

i think this formula is quoted of wowwiki and i saw the same formula in another soruce that was clearly referring to tbc
the formula also worky when i try it ingame with my characters armor values and the %reduction
and i also think this is the same formula for bosses since the other source i was mentioning was regarding bossarmor

and about armorpenetratioin as i said i didnt have any on me neither geared nor specced for this exact reason and even if i did my armor results should be lower than the ones henhosue posted in that case wouldnt they?

and the formula you posted is just the same isnt it?
its just a cosmetical thing and was easier to type into the calculator like this for me :P
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Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Post by Apuclevercow »

It leads to a same result but well, don't put equations which look like it's a big deal when it can be easier by far.
Anyway the issues here aren't equations but your "statistics" : If you want to get correct values, you might have to wear only one weapon, with a 0/0/0 spec and while being the only one to attack the boss.
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Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Post by skizuki »

all this applied tbh
i wasnt 0/0/0 but i carefully chose only talents that would give flat ap bonusses and wouldnt make any difference as long as i had the same spec all the time for reference
i was also only using this 1 mace and no offhand and i dont need 1000 hits to see that after 10 hits i do the same dmg +-1 unless its a glancing blow or blocked thats why i chose the small dmg range

i will later test it in pvp with armor and try the same procedure
maybe its just a boss thing and goes beyond my understanding

im also not trying to confuse anyone im with my equations on purpose im just writing this stuff down as it comes to my mind ^^
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Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Post by Wacco »

I was watching when my brother did 4t boss in SC last night.. It was fucking sad.
I did know that it was bad but not so bad that casters was almost behind tanks and need to stack full spell-pen to even be in a raid. Also feels like the numbers is to low even for melee dpsers on dps meter.
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Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Post by Wamboye »

Wacco wrote:Also feels like the numbers is to low even for melee dpsers on dps meter.
that's because people suck at pve.
a random bt raid where except me nobody was doing above 1k dps welcome to smolder.
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Re: Scarlet Citadel Boss Armor Values

Post by Hartun »

Wamboye wrote:
Wacco wrote:Also feels like the numbers is to low even for melee dpsers on dps meter.
that's because people suck at pve.
a random bt raid where except me nobody was doing above 1k dps welcome to smolder.
There is something wrong i belive, on croggesserver we did TK/SSC/BT quite often and no1 had full swp/t6 gear then. We still managed to clear all of those instances but here even 25 full swp/t6 players have trouble clearing thease instances.
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