Does anyone want to share what SweetFX / ENB settings they use for WoW? So far I have only been able to find an OK SweetFX preset, but the only ENB I found was awful.
SweetFX is adds SMAA anti-aliasing , sharpening and color tweaks, gamma , exposure and other stuff to DirectX applications ( ... nload.html)
ENB is the same thing but more advanced "SAO, SSIL, Depth Of Field, Lens FX, Bloom, HDR, Tone Mapping, Sharpening, Vignette, Sun Rays, Shadows, Detailed Shadows, Reflection and others in various versions of them." (
Heres the SweetFX settings.ini I've been using if anyone's interested (, you still have to DL the mod from the link above, and just overwrite the default settings file. A lot of people like to get crazy with the bloom / sharpen / saturation which leads to the game looking worse than it does without anything.
some /console commands that can also make the game look better.
Copy and paste these into a macro in batches
/console farclip 1600
/console horizonFarclipScale 6
/console skycloudlod 3
/console waterDetail 3
/console reflectionMode 3
/console rippleDetail 2
/console shadowmode 3
/console shadowtexturesize 2048
/console particleDensity 100
/console environmentDetail 150
/console groundEffectDensity 256
/console groundEffectDist 600
/console groundEffectFade 1277
/console spellEffectLevel 200
/console ffxGlow 1
/console ffxspecial 1
/console ffxnetherworld 1
/console ffxDeath 1
/console sunshafts 2
/console textureFilteringMode 5
/console componentTextureLevel 0
/console terrainMipLevel 0
/console ssao 2
/console ssaoblur 2
/console weatherDensity 3
/console gxmultiesample 8
/console violencelevel 5
/console spelleffectlevel 150
/console overridefarclip 1
/console horizonfarclip 6226
/console groundeffectdensity 256
/console groundeffectdist 140
/console smallcull 0
/console characterAmbient
/console extshadowquality 4
Graphical Modifications (DirectX)
Re: Graphical Modifications (DirectX)
works better for me.
works better for me.
- Posts: 3
Re: Graphical Modifications (DirectX)
Can't get it to work. Would you care to write some instructions?
Re: Graphical Modifications (DirectX)
The download stops WoW.exe from launching.. (Win8)
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