So I have the best suggestion ever. And it is for Henhouse to step down from smolderforge so he can continue enjoying his homosexual life more. And while were getting rid of the garbage, also don't consider the idea of making cross faction BGs or removing Alterac Valley. These are the worst ideas I ever heard. #1 Smolderforge is the only BC server to have AV, but because a few people whine who don't know how to play it Henhouse gets his panties in a notch. Henhouse, I'm pretty sure you would take it up the ass if you thought it were the hip thing to do, you are such a fucking sellout its unbelievable. And seriously? Cross faction BGs? Are you that fucking gay? Way to throw the whole server into a big fucking orgy clusterfuck and make us all play together. That is seriously is a nasty ass fucking big shit of a mess in battlegrounds when you got every fucking race on the same team and its just fucking weird. Congrats Henhouse. You never fail to be a piece of shit.
If you'd ever read the forums you'd know several things:
1. I love AV and don't want to get rid of it.
2. I'm against the idea of cross faction BGs.
3. I occasionally poll the community to see what the players want, more than my personal preferences so I can reflect on what I do with the server.
1. I love AV and don't want to get rid of it.
2. I'm against the idea of cross faction BGs.
3. I occasionally poll the community to see what the players want, more than my personal preferences so I can reflect on what I do with the server.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
And I'll probably get banned or suspended more when you read this Henhouse but that is because you are like a dictator who goes around banning people when you get butthurt. Sorry your asshole is too busy being used you don't have any room for comments to get you butthurt. You don't just get butthurt over things Henhouse, you get but murdered. Maybe if you weren't an inbred you would realize cross faction BGS and removing Alterac Valley are the worst fucking ideas in the world.
If your statement was even remotely true you'd have been off these forums and posts deleted, but they're not because I tried explaining to you that you're unbelievable wrong. Since you can't get that into your 12-year old brain I suppose we'll just have to at this point stop the pointless spam since you pose 0 intellectual debate or discussion to the forums but just seem to ignore what I'm telling you.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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