Arathi Basin - Exploiting

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Re: Arathi Basin - Exploiting

Post by Henhouse »

No, Blizzard didn't allow it. They couldn't monitor every BG so it happened. They removed things like the outhouse from the backside of Stables specifically to prevent people from getting on the roof (even though there were other ways to get up there). I even remembering opening a ticket about players that used to get on the masts of the boats in Quel'Danas and just dps down Alliance players walking by. It was considered exploiting, and I remember reporting it in a ticket and the GM got the player down from there and warned them. They eventually fixed the ability to get up there too I believe.

Even though it's easy to get up there, I don't think it's fair or should be allowed, or promoted.
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Re: Arathi Basin - Exploiting

Post by Gandolfini »

Apu was wrong once again. Nbd.
15:36:30 [4] [70:Icecold]: shut up u compromited urself in arena
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Re: Arathi Basin - Exploiting

Post by Apuclevercow »

I'm afraid that I've to contradict you Hen but you're wrong on one point, players were always complaining about exploits on BGs and the unique warns I've seen were for the bugs which were making you able to start before the beggining and, the exploit to be on an invisible wall just above the flag in wsg.
GMs never had the intention to ban anyone on these few buildings, even if they modified it on the following expansions due to multiple complains.

Quel'Danas isn't a BG, there are no rules, no aims, etc. Therefore, it's obvious, just as every pvp area besides BGs, that this kind of exploit is prohibited.
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Re: Arathi Basin - Exploiting

Post by Rottingham »

I hang out a lot on top of the blacksmith with my good friend the chimney.
We went through some hard time together.

I'd laugh if I would get banned for that.
Smelgor # 1
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