Personal opinion about realm gear-donation policy

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Personal opinion about realm gear-donation policy

Post by Wor »

Firstly, i am not telling this as expecting any change or demanding anything, just an honest opinion i care to share, cuz i think you guys have really awesome realm going on here.

I believe fact that people can donate 5$ and get season4 items, is actually working against the realm rathen then for it.

This server does really good job at giving everyone "started" items , it is truly wonderful. But as you start to play and get used to realm , after few days, you start to notice some staff, that makes you stop playing.

In normal way that WoW works, is that skillful people get awesome items, ordinary people get normal items. When you met a full brutal warlock (just for the sake of conversation) back in the day at WoW, you would expect to get asskicked, but you would try to beat him by outplaying. But unless you are good in your class as he is in his, he would beat you. It would not bother cuz you know by his gear (as gear had 2k rating and lots of points needed to buy) when he had same gear as you, he did beat many people, for a long time.

Now in this server, as you guys give away brutal, and people like me starts with merciless, it gets pretty disturbing cuz you see people doing seriously wrong moves in BG's or duels, and still beat the crap out of you cuz they over-gear you, by paying 5$.

It ends as "either buy your gear, or you get pwned by people who do", so i believe people just leave.

It looks like most reasonable answer to why this wonderful server, has online player number like %10 of many other servers.
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Re: Personal opinion about realm gear-donation policy

Post by Apuclevercow »


I guess you're wrong about many things.
First, about the population : PvP "fun" servers on BC don't have a lot of players nowadays because of blizzlike BC servers or huge tlk/cata servers, your one tenth is incorrect.

Back in retail, you were able to farm in BG/arena ppl in really low level gears, usually green. That's why even someone which wasn't really good at his class, with high quality gears will be by far better than you and afaik, a good (not necessarily a pro) destrulock is able to 1v3 some green guys.
Moreover, arenas in low ranks was easier : It was taking time to be 3-4/5 S3 (for example) but not "hard" at all.

Here in smolderforge, the item quality gap is way less important (if we don't talk about T6,5 items), you just can't complain about it.

"But unless you are good in your class as he is in his, he would beat you." : It's wrong, even if you're as skilled as this guy, his full brutal set will not let you any chance.
Thus, you've to be really better than him to get a chance of win.
Although I believe that a S2/S3 healer can easily survive from a casual S4 player, you now know what to try. ;)
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Re: Personal opinion about realm gear-donation policy

Post by Wor »

Firstly, with the same 2.4.3 clint i have, i am actually playing in 2 diffirent servers, and they actually have over 1k active generally , close to 10k players at peak times. Which actually downs is %2 even, rather then %10. I believe you have no idea about it.

You failed to understand WHOLE LOGIC. He would beat you back in blizzwow with his gear, but his gear would mean HE IS A GOOD PLAYER already, cuz he was able to get that gear, and so geting beatdown from him would not be so painfull mentally.

Here anyone with 5$ in his pocket gets that gear and beats the crap out of you. I meet same warlock everyday almost, at BG here, SL-SL warlock, SLSL warlock means (i played for 6 months at blizz at tbc) protecting your pet before anything, first pet. I killed this guys pet like 2332523 times when he was not looking, he never even calls the pet back or healthfunnel, which means he has absolute no idea what is he doing, yet he beats the crap out of you cuz he is super outgearing you.

Or i get to fight against a rogues, all the time, that does not know what "shiv" ability is about. I easly run away from them cuz they cant even folllow if there is cripling poison on me, BUT because they outgear me, their damage is too high, they can kill me so faster then my damage can kill them, their noobness becames meaningles. Shadowstep and i am dead.

At real blizz, that warlock would that gear or rogue, would never do these major mistakes. People who do, would not ever get that gear, and would be farmed in pvp.
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Re: Personal opinion about realm gear-donation policy

Post by Apuclevercow »

It costs less than a big mac tho.
You didn't even understand the main sentence, sf is a pvp fun server.
Find me a bc pvp fun server with the 2k-10k players you're talking about and then, talk back to me.

Just one important thing, who're you ingame ? It's free for you to not answer.
Posts: 201

Re: Personal opinion about realm gear-donation policy

Post by Rottingham »

Yes, I can see where you are coming from. We discuss this here time and time again.

Brutal itself is not the problem. It is only a 10% stat increase over S2.

However, SWP level gear is the issue. Donors get very easy access to it. Combo SWP gear with S4 and you gain a significant advantage. Hell, just go only SWP because yolo.

Plus the fact that its mostly premades playing nowadays because most randoms quit, and bgs are not just FUN any more.
Smelgor # 1
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Re: Personal opinion about realm gear-donation policy

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Wor wrote: after few days, you start to notice some staff, that makes you stop playing.
Come again?
Wor wrote:In normal way that WoW works, is that skillful people get awesome items, ordinary people get normal items.
That's not true, it was always about who could stay online the longest; amassing honor to throw away for another piece of gear. Which, I doubt has changed much through the years.
Wor wrote:When you met a full brutal warlock (just for the sake of conversation) back in the day at WoW, you would expect to get asskicked, but you would try to beat him by outplaying. But unless you are good in your class as he is in his, he would beat you. It would not bother cuz you know by his gear (as gear had 2k rating and lots of points needed to buy) when he had same gear as you, he did beat many people, for a long time.
Sorry, back in TBC era, every single melee class shit on warlocks. Unless they either had heals on them, or that lock was lucky. If either buckled, that lock's a fridge magnet.
Wor wrote:Now in this server, as you guys give away brutal, and people like me starts with merciless, it gets pretty disturbing cuz you see people doing seriously wrong moves in BG's or duels, and still beat the crap out of you cuz they over-gear you, by paying 5$.
It's more on other servers, but I understand what you're trying to say. As much as some of us would love to see SWP gear removed, or s4 be arena only... let's be real here. this is a private server... and it costs money. we're helping to offset that cost by blowing our wad on pixels to farm middle with.

Furthermore, the players here value HKs above the golden euro. It's not just the gear, but rather the mentality.
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Location: Spain

Re: Personal opinion about realm gear-donation policy

Post by rohidin »

This is a private server that run with donations, so don't despreciate donors.
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