remove neutral dueling area?
- Posts: 1
remove neutral dueling area?
idk dont people want to do some world pvp anymore? were horde gank alliance and alliance gank horde in their dueling area itl be alot more fun but server votes ^.^
- Posts: 201
Re: remove neutral dueling area?
all removing neutral duel area does is make people duel people of the same faction in stormwind/orgrimmar
Smelgor # 1
Re: remove neutral dueling area?
Not so long ago it was all about "gm make neutral duel area"
Re: remove neutral dueling area?
Apuclevercow wrote:remove neutral player mall, we want to kill players gearing up.
quite clever cow you are, Apu
Re: remove neutral dueling area?
Of course that's coming from a rogue. You were probably one of these guys waiting for someone to lose a duel then ambush>vanish out. That was so funny, no wait it wasn't. The neutral duel zone is a great thing to bring the community together, the next thing we need is cross fraction bgs. BUT WAIT, we need tension! We need to have two disgusting nerds fighting over the most pointless thing ever and ruin everyone else's fun!
Cross fractiong bgs or riot
Cross fractiong bgs or riot
- Apuclevercow
- Posts: 1349
Re: remove neutral dueling area?
Anyway with CF BGs due to Horde overpopulating the server, it'll create more tensions and crying ppl saying in whispers "I thought we were friends".
Don't worry Henhouse, we'll maintain these useless fights but, don't forget to unmute Ruuren sometimes because ppl need to gather just against one guy in LFG channel.
hi mayore <piece of shit>.
Don't worry Henhouse, we'll maintain these useless fights but, don't forget to unmute Ruuren sometimes because ppl need to gather just against one guy in LFG channel.
hi mayore <piece of shit>.
Re: remove neutral dueling area?
remove the trees in neutral dueling area, randomly turn and have screen full of branches cba to zoom in everytime
Re: remove neutral dueling area?
Not possible.Terrion wrote:remove the trees in neutral dueling area, randomly turn and have screen full of branches cba to zoom in everytime
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