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Ok guys all jokes aside, I'm updating my SECOND WoW folder(has 3.0.9 patch) I will have 3.1.3 in a few and I will be able to help out with anything you may need henhouse, I may not be a GM but maybe you want me to test some stuff or something with you guys. Idk, just trying to be of assistance!
Never Give Up, Never Back Down, No Matter Who The Opponent, Become Better Than Him, No Mercy, No Risk No Reward.
Missing enchant vendor for chest cloak gloves boots bracers rings.Few glyphs missing,most of priest's are working.
Missing few rings like Fire Orchid's Signet,Bandit's Insignia not working?
Mass Dispel ain't working,idk why.
Fear always breaks on first hit.
Add Nitro Boosts and Pyro Rocket to enchant vendor as well,two really nice enchants.
SW:D not working as intended,says Interruped(on instant cast??)
For Mages-FoF(Fingers of Frost) ain't procin'.
Antique wrote:Missing enchant vendor for chest cloak gloves boots bracers rings.Few glyphs missing,most of priest's are working.
Missing few rings like Fire Orchid's Signet,Bandit's Insignia not working?
Last I checked we were still working on the server. Many enchants were removed from the game therefore they are missing from the vendor. There is also a bug with the enchanted scrolls therefore we have not added them into the vendor. The Glyph vendors have not yet been completed and are still pending future review on testing them.
There is no ring called the Fire Orchid's Signet, did you spell it wrong? I'll put the Bandit's Insignia on a list to be reviewed and added possible before it goes live.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development