Late Night PvP

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Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Henhouse »

Kylah wrote:Can we at least have Azshara Crater up during the dead hours. What are some reasons it cant always just be open in the first place? I love going there when there's nothing else to do.
We're probably going to change that. When it was first opened, AC was flooded with people camping left and right. We disabled HK gain there, as well as put a timer on it.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Posts: 62

Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Kylah »

Henhouse wrote:
Kylah wrote:Can we at least have Azshara Crater up during the dead hours. What are some reasons it cant always just be open in the first place? I love going there when there's nothing else to do.
We're probably going to change that. When it was first opened, AC was flooded with people camping left and right. We disabled HK gain there, as well as put a timer on it.
Awesome. Looking forward to it.
Posts: 304

Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Outskilled »

Early hours on the server when the population goes down i.e Americano O'clock might aswell just be WSG since theres not allways billions of people on to run two + arathi basins you are usually sat in the queue till the battleground finishes then the next people that were late to queue do the same, Nullified problem if it was WSG only up untilla certian point - throwin it out there
Posts: 62

Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Kylah »

Outskilled wrote:Early hours on the server when the population goes down i.e Americano O'clock might aswell just be WSG since theres not allways billions of people on to run two + arathi basins you are usually sat in the queue till the battleground finishes then the next people that were late to queue do the same, Nullified problem if it was WSG only up untilla certian point - throwin it out there
I totally agree. AB and EOTS never pop during these hours except maybe once, twice at the most.
Posts: 276

Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Infusion »

Zydian05 wrote:On a surthen time spawn a portal somewhere in the mall that ports you to a (gm's choosen area) with a messy AllvAll. its easy to make and its just fun in its simpelest form while waiting for arena and bg's to pop.
I like this guy's idea, AllvAll is messy and fun, unless some badasses team-up and gank others..
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Posts: 2015

Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Firstaidkit »

Terezi wrote:
Apuclevercow wrote:During hollow hours, it would be better if there is only one bg like wsg.
Technically, that already can be achieved. Just have people queue up in Shattrath, there they can queue for any BG they so choose.
Most of the people don't do this or don't know this. Should do a server announcement of some sort to give it some more attention.
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