Is this bannable?

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Is this bannable?

Post by SheLexa »

Graveyard farming with the flag and no intention to cap it because they are 8v5.
if yes I have a few ss for you.
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Re: Is this bannable?

Post by Ricekrispies »

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Re: Is this bannable?

Post by Mynce »

Sadly no
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Re: Is this bannable?

Post by Ricekrispies »

Mynce wrote:Sadly no
I agree that GY farming is stupid, but this is a PvP server. One can always choose not to respawn.
If it was bannable that'd be sad indeed.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
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Re: Is this bannable?

Post by Mynce »

Depends on how severe the case is and if the farmers arent doing it like multiple times a week imo
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Re: Is this bannable?

Post by Gandraman »

Farming was newer, and never will be bannable. Ppl just think it is because FAk and Ezatt. And they don't play no more , so...
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Henhouse wrote:Gandra h0t iirc.
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Re: Is this bannable?

Post by Zapcraclepop »

No, it isn't bannable. But there's a solution, even if nobody does it. Do not res.

If they're halting the game for kills, and you deny them those precious HKs they can gloat over, they'll grow bored. Remember, most of the players here are kids. Knowing that, most of the old tricks of ignoring them or denying them what they want and such works nearly every time.

Or... you can continue feeding them free honor and kills. Those are your options. I hope you pick door #1, otherwise... Have fun.

Safe travels, and if you need anything at all, let me know in-game.

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Re: Is this bannable?

Post by Cube »

Zapcraclepop wrote:Those are your options.
Not really. Go around them, farm their gy.
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Re: Is this bannable?

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Cube wrote:
Zapcraclepop wrote:Those are your options.
Not really. Go around them, farm their gy.
I can see three problems with this, Cube.

#1: Nobody thinks to go ramp, unless they are running a flag, and even then they go tunnel nearly every time.

#2: If you res, you immediately have 3 boomkins and ele freecast on you. You won't make it to the fence, let alone out of range.

#3: Chances are there's a few in the actual graveyard itself, so you're locked down. Or, if that isn't the case, the rest of your team has already given up and/or afked. Even if by some miracle you break free, the EFC is with the zerg farming your graveyard. Are you going to solo the entire team? I didn't think so either.
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Re: Is this bannable?

Post by Cube »

I usually have no problems with it.

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