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your girlfriend/mom/sister does the ironing for me.
im getting rich and yall spend your time on smolder forums. ill be out in 1-2 months then yall can talk shit behind my back, i couldnt care less. tbh i think many people on smolder should grow up and start making something of their lives like i did. my company is running good and because of that i can afford to put petrol in my car worth ~50+ donorcodes every few days and buy a racecar soon.
your girlfriend/mom/sister does the ironing for me.
im getting rich and yall spend your time on smolder forums. ill be out in 1-2 months then yall can talk shit behind my back, i couldnt care less. tbh i think many people on smolder should grow up and start making something of their lives like i did. my company is running good and because of that i can afford to put petrol in my car worth ~50+ donorcodes every few days and buy a racecar soon.
i cant imagine the lfg chat without us. just a bunch of retardrnds arguein over arenas i guess. have fun with that.
i remember the time when you were a cow ruuren. kinda miss doing pvp as double cow setup and you raging at me when you die ...
man there was so much funny shit we did, you could fill a whole book of it and the title would be "far more than retarded" people would spend hours just laughing at that shit.
you wont ever see retards like us again, they dont make niggers like us no more. smolder will be different without us, haters would say better.
we were the best trolls and the best team smolder ever saw. sadly that era of the two great retards comes to an end now. maybe we can play some other game together like gta 5 or some shit.
when ruuren left everything was boring and now Wambo is leaving too.IMO the main ppl in this server should make something to make ppl stay playing here.