set realmlist connect.smolderforge.comunistavac wrote:What schould l put In my Realmist folder so l can pley the game ?
there you go ....
20:28:17 <70:Kimilar>: Now you will experience the full power of the dark side!... Herod! Slay them!
20:33:10 <70:Rakh>: Awoth used dirty tricks, i cant slay him !
20:33:22 <70:Kimilar>: I will kill him then!
20:33:50 Awoth died.
20:33:10 <70:Rakh>: Awoth used dirty tricks, i cant slay him !
20:33:22 <70:Kimilar>: I will kill him then!
20:33:50 Awoth died.
Make sure that your realmlist file [opened with notepad] has 'set realmlist'xilef0wnz wrote:set realmlist connect.smolderforge.comunistavac wrote:What schould l put In my Realmist folder so l can pley the game ?
there you go ....
Retired Game Master.
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