make sc more melee friendly
make sc more melee friendly
So i think its very obvious that sc is extremely melee unfriendly. Every boss has a 1 shot ww or some other mechanic (conflag) that punishes clumping around 1 enemy. Not to mention every boss has a consecrate that does way too much damage. Also bosses have around 15000 armor which is double any boss had on retail. I have been here long enough to know the typical response is gonna be "hurrr its fine sc is already easy enough"... well no shit it is when you stack nothing but swp geared caster dps. Its so bad that you are better off bringing a tier 5 geared warlock than a swp geared rogue. I know its doable with melee but your average player here is lazy and would rather bring all ranged than have to deal with the inconvenience of melee. I know the point of this post is going to go way over most of your heads...
- Posts: 971
Re: make sc more melee friendly
I have ran it as enhance, and while you provide some valid arguments, it's very doable. Bring a CoH priest and/or a druid for the spikes in damage like consecrate. Worked wonders for our raid. :) As for rogues in PvE, I've noticed that in very very few cases you even see a rogue in the raid. This is odd, because in every single raid I remember doing on retail during this Xpac, we always had rogues for their high dps [not as much as Shadow mage specced locks, but still.]Akatosh wrote:So i think its very obvious that sc is extremely melee unfriendly. Every boss has a 1 shot ww or some other mechanic (conflag) that punishes clumping around 1 enemy. Not to mention every boss has a consecrate that does way too much damage. Also bosses have around 15000 armor which is double any boss had on retail. I have been here long enough to know the typical response is gonna be "hurrr its fine sc is already easy enough"... well no shit it is when you stack nothing but swp geared caster dps. Its so bad that you are better off bringing a tier 5 geared warlock than a swp geared rogue. I know its doable with melee but your average player here is lazy and would rather bring all ranged than have to deal with the inconvenience of melee. I know the point of this post is going to go way over most of your heads...
I understand, we will never have an exact mirror of what TBC was on retail, but I do have to agree there does need to be a few tweaks. Spell hit is still #1 on my bitch about list. [They say you have a base miss chance of 1% at hit cap, but hit the dummies for 5 minutes at hit cap. you'll find your miss chance in the upwards of 9-15%] thank you damage meter. Keep into consideration also, those dummies are not even set for level 73 (raid boss) so those miss averages could easily be even worse than the data I collected on a 70 dummy. [meaning, hit cap for casters does not exist.]
Re: make sc more melee friendly
When you consider how lazy people are here its just way too tempting and easy to just make a caster stacked group. There is no downside to making an all caster groups. An all melee group would have much more trouble doing sc and people on this server dont have the patience to deal with trouble.
Re: make sc more melee friendly
I agree with Akatosh, however I don't know what can be done about it if anything. They're not going to rescript the instance just to make it easier on us melee guys unfortunately. It's sad, but it's just the way it is. This is the problem with custom instances, they haven't had the same thought for different classes as Blizzard designed ones have. I do support you though, you're the most knowledgeable Paladin on the server and you are making a valid point.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Re: make sc more melee friendly
I think some doable ideas would be to tone down the consecrate and ww dmg and also to lower the boss armor to retail armor levels. Also maybe some spell resistance could be added to bosses so casters dont dominate too much.
Re: make sc more melee friendly
The consecrate is manageable for melee but pets get owned by it instantly. Aren't pets supposed to have very high resistance to aoe attacks? Maybe make them immune to the consecrate specifically
I agree that the armor should be reduced. Rogues were high dps in tbc endgame and it's pathetic that bringing one over a caster is somewhat of a liability
I agree that the armor should be reduced. Rogues were high dps in tbc endgame and it's pathetic that bringing one over a caster is somewhat of a liability
Re: make sc more melee friendly
instance is easy as fuck just stfu
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Re: make sc more melee friendly
The pet's have loads of resistance and avoidance for aoe.Terrion wrote:The consecrate is manageable for melee but pets get owned by it instantly. Aren't pets supposed to have very high resistance to aoe attacks? Maybe make them immune to the consecrate specifically
I agree that the armor should be reduced. Rogues were high dps in tbc endgame and it's pathetic that bringing one over a caster is somewhat of a liability
Just not holyres :D
Re: make sc more melee friendly
The armor levels are the same as Sunwell's.
I do want to reconsider several aspects of the boss encounters. The only thing that really affects casters is rain of fire. But obviously I can't have every boss casting that. I'll need to find good ways to encorporate ranged classes so they do not just have to sit back and cast. I haven't figured that out yet though.
I do want to reconsider several aspects of the boss encounters. The only thing that really affects casters is rain of fire. But obviously I can't have every boss casting that. I'll need to find good ways to encorporate ranged classes so they do not just have to sit back and cast. I haven't figured that out yet though.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: make sc more melee friendly
For the melees, just lower the amount of boss'es armor. Mainly because its not a 25 man raid and there will be not so much Armor reduction debuffs from the raid members.
We made pretty much perfect group for melees. It is easily viable, but also considerably longer, not only on boss fights but also at trash.
We made pretty much perfect group for melees. It is easily viable, but also considerably longer, not only on boss fights but also at trash.
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