Lets discuss this once and for all

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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Amgseret »

Osiris sounds reasonable in this thread. Its a sign. Do something about the swp shit.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Osiriis »

Amgseret wrote:Osiris sounds reasonable in this thread. Its a sign. Do something about the swp shit.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by xilef0wnz »

at least i decided to stop playing my shaman with swp gear... and ill play resto like with full pvp (except rocket boots lol)

so ... my idea: stop playing with swp and you dont need a bann ... ^^

greetings and im have now the unflammable aura.
20:28:17 <70:Kimilar>: Now you will experience the full power of the dark side!... Herod! Slay them!
20:33:10 <70:Rakh>: Awoth used dirty tricks, i cant slay him !
20:33:22 <70:Kimilar>: I will kill him then!
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by QuantumVoid »

Outskilled wrote:Clear all SWP items from players > add to a vender ( Requires #### Rating To equip ) AT Style

Implement the resil 8% change ( like pvp power in MOP )
Implement insert name here
Implement insert name here
Implement insert name here

The list is countless. At no point of me playing retail did I encounter any of these in an Arena or BG, Note.

Pve BIS SWP Shockadin using Mail Gear
Pve BIS Destro Sacrifice Lock
Pve BIS Pom Pyro mage
Pve BIS Fire Mage
Pve BIS Rogue
Pve BIS Ele Shaman Using Cloth gear

You see the Pattern?

PvP used to be fun before Flavor of the Month swept across like a plague. Can't step in an arena without seeing a Mage using only "2" parts of S4, or them retarded videos Xaru puts on youtube of him two Shotting people, armory that dwarf priest- 420 Resilience, Still getting two shot.

Pve gear is just a joke and it breaks the game, Your a delinquent to think the player base is going anywhere but down when a fresh player can't even get the enjoyment out of a battleground or arena match because if you don't donate, you don't win. Look at it from their perspective, It's not very nostalgic for fun by any means. I know funds are needed to keep the server alive but what are you keeping alive, A cancer that is slowly killing your server. - rantover
Give this guy a medal.

PS: IGNORE TOTALLY every retarded dumbfucked piece of dirt who donated 5 bucks and will think of suiciding if this change goes live.
PPS: Just ban them, infact.
Posts: 44

Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by castor »

Outskilled wrote:Clear all SWP items from players > add to a vender ( Requires #### Rating To equip ) AT Style
Don't bring them back at all, totally agree with the rest though.
Posts: 971

Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Zapcraclepop »

castor wrote:
Outskilled wrote:Clear all SWP items from players > add to a vender ( Requires #### Rating To equip ) AT Style
Don't bring them back at all, totally agree with the rest though.
No, just limit or eliminate its presence in BGs. No reason to punish the golden few that actually tries PvE here. Just make appropriate changes in its use in battlegrounds or arena and you're golden.

[before you mention t5/t6 as an alternative, consider the average pve skill here. You need them wearing good stuff to do as much as possible before they die to fire, pull off the tank, or do something else amazing to watch.]
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Exsurgo »

Zapcraclepop wrote:
castor wrote:
Outskilled wrote:Clear all SWP items from players > add to a vender ( Requires #### Rating To equip ) AT Style
Don't bring them back at all, totally agree with the rest though.
No, just limit or eliminate its presence in BGs. No reason to punish the golden few that actually tries PvE here. Just make appropriate changes in its use in battlegrounds or arena and you're golden.
The problem is I don't think that is possible. We can only disable the procs from items in bgs, not the actual gear itself. We would need some insanely complicated code that takes all a player's gear off when they entered a bg, and that would be horrible.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Ewww, yeah... But removing SWP gear doesn't seem like a fix with SC out. On the other hand, if you just did a wipe of the SWP gear people currently have and left SC how it is, it would be like having herpes. The rash would be gone for awhile, but you can bet it'll return.

Unless the gear was completely removed like the glaives, people will eventually get it. Whether it is done by Donating or earning it. But it would be reduced, at least for awhile.
Last edited by Zapcraclepop on 16 May 2013, 21:37, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Xaru »


Think of all the people who donated for SWP gear? It would create a massive shitstorm. And as Exsurgo said it would be complicated as fuck to code a lot of the changes you guys have suggested as an alternative. There are much more important things to be worked on like bug fixes than to remove all PVE items from players just because a few people feel that it's OP even though there are significant drawbacks as well and 99% of the donors on this server only use the legs, trinket and rings.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Akatosh »

99% of players don't play arena so the whole gear requiring rating model is stupid and even blizzard has realized this and is doing away with it. Wiping all swp gear and leaving sc as the only way to get it would only piss off alot of people.
Last edited by Akatosh on 16 May 2013, 22:17, edited 1 time in total.
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