Lets discuss this once and for all

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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Xaru »

Literally as soon as the HK cap was lifted things went back to exactly the same way they used to. Cap HK's, everything else should be left as it is.

Dunno why you're asking for SWP gear to be removed though, FAK? I guess because so many passion people have SWP gear? We've been kicking ass ever since the HK cap got removed so I understand the frustration. But nobody wants that really. xD
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Mynce »

Must be hard with 2-3ele shammy in pve gear and 2 resto druides
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Mayore »

Xaru wrote:Literally as soon as the HK cap was lifted things went back to exactly the same way they used to. Cap HK's, everything else should be left as it is.

Dunno why you're asking for SWP gear to be removed though, FAK? I guess because so many passion people have SWP gear? We've been kicking ass ever since the HK cap got removed so I understand the frustration. But nobody wants that really. xD

i understand this, you won't be able to do anything with pvp gear as shock

i don't think setting a cap will solve the problem. as you can see Ezatt has second char and the progress on collecting Hks is pretty ridiculous, even though he used to log for AV only.

i like the idea of having minimum amount of ressilience to be able to join battleground or arena. but is that even possible?
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Gaich »

Xaru wrote:Literally as soon as the HK cap was lifted things went back to exactly the same way they used to. Cap HK's, everything else should be left as it is.

Dunno why you're asking for SWP gear to be removed though, FAK? I guess because so many passion people have SWP gear? We've been kicking ass ever since the HK cap got removed so I understand the frustration. But nobody wants that really. xD

Wow its very hard to kick asses with an premade against 7/10 s2 retards who dont even know how to gear/play their char. And if SWP gear would be removed u could /delete ur char.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Bucovsky »

A guy carried by swp items talks about kicking ass. Do I miss anything?
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Xaru »

I would be fine without full SWP gear, I wear more SWP gear than necessary because it's more fun that way. I walk around with 17 resilience, 11k armor and 8.8k hp unbuffed. I die the most in BG's, but I gear myself that way because that's the way I choose to play, and on this server you have that ability, unlike most others. Not only that but I'm going to be going Ret with full S4 gear once Exsurgo adds the fixes in, I'm far more deadly 1v1 as Ret even with the broken spells, so I would be fine.

People need to understand that just because they don't like dying to S4/SWP geared people while they only have S2 gear doesn't mean that the server should remove SWP gear altogether. In the past you used to be able to get full SWP for free, as well as donor food, and all kinds of other stuff that made us far more powerful than we are today. And if SWP gear wasn't removed back then, then it sure as hell won't be removed now. Henhouse has constantly added new things to make non-donors happy, making it easier for you to get S4 gear for example. People are continuously whining because they got their way in the past and think they can get their way again if they cry hard enough.

Finally, you have to commend Henhouse for giving us a chance. But as soon as the HK cap was lifted all hell broke loose, you had Firstaidkit reporting Ezatt, Ezatt trolling Firstaidkit in LFG, people spying on Passion in the guild. Funny shit. As soon as the cap is added once again frankenserver will go back to normal. Talk about opening Pandora's box.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Firstaidkit »

Xaru wrote:Literally as soon as the HK cap was lifted things went back to exactly the same way they used to. Cap HK's, everything else should be left as it is.

Dunno why you're asking for SWP gear to be removed though, FAK? I guess because so many passion people have SWP gear? We've been kicking ass ever since the HK cap got removed so I understand the frustration. But nobody wants that really. xD
1. Because I'm not selfish and I actually listen to what the community wants? I don't care if PvE gear gets disabled in PvP or not. It's just that I'm not being selfish.

2. Because I can beat Passion with s1 equipped that's why. The whole guild is full of shitters except for you Xaru you are actually the only player that got a clue in there. Other people like Ezatt are just hiding behind there SWP geared elementals and boomkins while hunters drain my mana and holy paladins dispel my dots till I go oom. That must be real hard mode. JK.

3. This is PvP I'm not clearing SWP or BT in Warsong Gulch, k.

4. Besides all of that an SP don't really need PvE gear to do a big zerg anyways. I rock the meters anyways with or without PvE.

5. I'm pretty sure the battlegrounds will get way more balanced with PvE gear disabled.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Swackx »

Henhouse wrote:
Swackx wrote:make it "not usable" in bgs/arena, yes.
This is probably possible to do; however, I don't think that people raid SC and work up honor points, and donate for Sunwell items just so they can... raid for more Sunwell in SC? Where would this gear have any use anymore? I can only find it acceptable to maybe disable for arenas due to balancing for equal, and more fair arenas, but if we take it out of the whole PvP aspect -- why would people want it? We cannot just remove it so simply. I don't think you realize how badly that would cripple the server, and overwhelm support, and especially myself with the amount of complains, Paypal disputes, players leaving the server, etc., etc.
Well, ofc i can fully understand you in that point, but in fact, this gear is simply not made for pvp usage.
For example, a normal frostbolt has a 2,5 seconds casttime, so if we've got approximately 350 haste through gear + Skull of Gul'dan + Icy Veins, then we are at ~ 1,5 seconds frostbolts, which is 1 second faster than usual without Icy Veins and that's already devastating enough. In addition to that, it also lowers the GCD by a lot, which makes the gameplay for any mage easier by far.

Now, from a warrior's perspective, you have a 10 second spellreflect, which is not affected by anything, except by the actual patch notes and changes.

However, another fact is that ele shamans weren't top tier at all in tbc.. actually they were far below any other class/spec, because they simply lack anything and it was a rarely played spec, maybe for the exception of 5on5.
I only knew some good ele shamans throughout tbc, but even though they've played their spec almost perfect, they were limited to the fact, that they weren't top tier.

And yes, i know it's a fun server ofc, but where is the fun, if gear negates any action that could've been done in a pvp situation. In all honesty, if ppl will complain about that you restrict the swp gear only for world pvp/duels/pve, then i will advice them to go along with Wotlk, since this expansion is the continuation of this retarded haste stacking at its finest and they will have fun there for sure.
Whatsoever, i think i have a point and thats my opinion.

Best Regards, Swackx.
Last edited by Swackx on 16 May 2013, 13:07, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Mynce »

How about letting players only equip 2 main pieces or the 4 off set pieces from t6 for a bg.
if they have more equipped then suggested requirement then it will be unnequipped upon entering bg.

is that possible to code?
i think that would solve a large proportion of the pve gear in pvp.

and for the hk's bring the cap back.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all

Post by Swackx »

Firstaidkit wrote:If you reapply the HK cap it will do more than you think it does. The only reason he plays is to get more kills than me. The only reason we got these kind of retarded bg's is Passion. One spot isn't even that active anymore and neither is you MONSTER. They don't give a shit about the hk's and just play for the objectives. If you lock down the HK's (this time for good) then there will be no reason to farm anymore HK's any further since it will be fuckin' pointless to do so if it isn't already.

The previous time he set a HK cap people actually played for objectives in bg's unlike what is happening now.
There never was and there never is a reason to farm hks beyond High Warlord/Grand Marshal, except for "ppl" like you. I don't even wanna call you human...
Firstaidkit wrote: 1. Because I'm not selfish and I actually listen to what the community wants? I don't care if PvE gear gets disabled in PvP or not. It's just that I'm not being selfish.

2. Because I can beat Passion with s1 equipped that's why. The whole guild is full of shitters except for you Xaru you are actually the only player that got a clue in there. Other people like Ezatt are just hiding behind there SWP geared elementals and boomkins while hunters drain my mana and holy paladins dispel my dots till I go oom. That must be real hard mode. JK.

3. This is PvP I'm not clearing SWP or BT in Warsong Gulch, k.

4. Besides all of that an SP don't really need PvE gear to do a big zerg anyways. I rock the meters anyways with or without PvE.

5. I'm pretty sure the battlegrounds will get way more balanced with PvE gear disabled.
Just shut up.. srsly shut up, the only thing you might could beat is yourself irl, by hitting yourself hard in your face, which is also my advice to you.
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