one 1hand i agree with that.Mynce wrote:would be nice if there was a way to disable pve gear in bg's
but if you think about the classes a few classes wouldnt even make a single kill..
you see that all pll who write :"ooh disable pve gear" are players with dots or hunters or warriors who dont give a fuck about spellhaste.
thats one point.
the next point is that if you would disable swp/pve gear in pvp classes like ele shaman/boomkins and all kind of casters classes with the ability to haste will be useless
so... afterall you will have bgs with: pvp stacked players and a few op heal droods on each side.
thats what you want ? and btw classes like heal shaman/ele shamans/disc priests will die without pve parts
and yes it is retaillike to play with the gear you want. and it works on retail aswell... and as you see blizzard make gy farming even more easy at wsg cuz the moved the gy closer to the attkers.
anyways... now flame me cuz i play ele shaman and i stack haste ....
P.S. I like gandras comments haha... a few of them are weird and funny at the same time ^^