ok l downloaded WoW Burning Crusade 2.4.3 (Pre-installed) l unziped it
l started wow and now evrithing is fine but suddnly it stops at Authencanting and then after 10 min disconected from server so what do l need to do and where do l need to register if l registered corectly so l can pley the game
Again me sorry but read
Re: Again me sorry but read
make sure your realmlist is edited. Go to your main World Of Warcraft folder and look for a file called realmlist.wtf . Open it with notepad and delete everything inside. Then copy this and paste it:unistavac wrote:ok l downloaded WoW Burning Crusade 2.4.3 (Pre-installed) l unziped it
l started wow and now evrithing is fine but suddnly it stops at Authencanting and then after 10 min disconected from server so what do l need to do and where do l need to register if l registered corectly so l can pley the game
Code: Select all
set realmlist connect.smolderforge.com
After that save the file as a .WTF file and start WoW from WoW.exe
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