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love how baddies judge ppl nd they have no vids of themselves doing anything funny to b a form troll but a bad player until sum1 shows me diff ima fucking SF beast hate all u want haters make me greater
Last edited by Osiriis on 26 Feb 2013, 18:31, edited 1 time in total.
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.
Osiriis wrote:love how baddies judge ppl nd they have no vids of themselves doing anything funny to b a form troll but a bad player until sum1 shoes me diff ima fucking SF beast hate all u want haters make me greater
Im not sure if you're trolling or not and i do not care. You posted your videos so we can say whatever we want if you don't like it remove it. No you're the baddie and you have a lot more to learn about manners and how to actually play. It's not the name of your character or the cooldowns you blow up on one target to kill him,it's the skills mate. The skills. They show how good you are. I bet you can't do anything without shadowstep and preparation. Now be gone of my sight.
akeno plz log in and duel me 5 times ill go mutilate and embarrass ya mate ur not good just so u know and for sum1 who is so good why u never in 2's or in front of durotar hmmmmmmm i wonder y????? cause ur just a forum troll and if u did not care u would not take the time to respond to my post so thanks for showing how much u contradict urself ne ways lets do it so i can put it in my next movie :) and i welcome all posts its for public view i cant control what ppl say i just can control what i say
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.