It's been fun!
It's been fun!
I must say, now is a time that I need to be away from Smolderforge because it takes up so much of my time. I'll be on sporadically (maybe once every month) just to say hi and chat, not really going to be active. If I don't ever come back I would just like to say some thank yous! I'm giving nobody access to this account so if you see someone on ask if it's me and I'll give you an answer only old fags will know. Outb4 ending up like Ruuren.
Osiriis for doing arena with me and being an overall bro.
Falseblood for making guarding AB flags actually enjoyable.
Iceberg(s) for having someone close to home to talk to. :D
Sigmund for having a sexy mog set and a small penis. :P
Littletiny for listening to a noob wanting to join one of the best guilds on SF.
Dnfd for believing in me.
Henhouse for loving Les Mis as much as me and hosting one of the best private servers to ever hit the internetz.
Nylithee for taking care of one of my accounts and being a damn good druid.
Catchmeh/Notready for that two hour period of just talking that one morning. xD
Sockz/Vödka for being a great arena partner and knowing the secret to rogues.
And everyone in Passion who actually made BGs fun for Alliance/me.
Good luck everyone,
Osiriis for doing arena with me and being an overall bro.
Falseblood for making guarding AB flags actually enjoyable.
Iceberg(s) for having someone close to home to talk to. :D
Sigmund for having a sexy mog set and a small penis. :P
Littletiny for listening to a noob wanting to join one of the best guilds on SF.
Dnfd for believing in me.
Henhouse for loving Les Mis as much as me and hosting one of the best private servers to ever hit the internetz.
Nylithee for taking care of one of my accounts and being a damn good druid.
Catchmeh/Notready for that two hour period of just talking that one morning. xD
Sockz/Vödka for being a great arena partner and knowing the secret to rogues.
And everyone in Passion who actually made BGs fun for Alliance/me.
Good luck everyone,
Re: It's been fun!
Peace and serenity : ... f=4&t=8012
-Selling account 25?ó?ÇÜ?¼ pm if interested- ... f=4&t=8012
-Selling account 25?ó?ÇÜ?¼ pm if interested-
Re: It's been fun!
So much ass kissing. My eyes burn. Oh and lol'd at oldfags, as if you're some old player that anyone knows. All the people on that list except henhouse is newer.
I am the hero that this server deserves...
Re: It's been fun!
that signature.Haymaker wrote:So much ass kissing. My eyes burn. Oh and lol'd at oldfags, as if you're some old player that anyone knows. All the people on that list except henhouse is newer.
you're not the hero we want, though.
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- Posts: 304
Re: It's been fun!
No such thing as "play less" obviously. People creating threads to say they are leaving because they play to much, its not like your a smack head who needs his/her fix on a daily basis is it just play less? as my fellow com-padre said, your here forever. muhahaheuheu
Re: It's been fun!
will miss ya bro take care in ur future endeavors
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.
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